Playing with Cups Gather some small toys that your child can name, such as dog, kitty, car, duck. Get out three plastic cups. Turn two cups upside down and leave one open at the top. With your child watching, hide each toy and say: “In…in the cup.” “On…on the cup.” “Under…under the cup.” Ask your child: “Which one is in?”, “Which one is on?”, “Which one is under?” Your child will point to the corresponding cup. Where’s the Bear? Using a teddy bear and a small cardboard box, hide the teddy bear either in, on or under the box. “Where is he? Under? In? On…the box? Let’s look.” An adaptation to Where’s the Bear? is to use a box that is sturdy enough for your child to crawl in, on, or under. “Where are you?” “In? Under? On…the box?” You will need: ✓ Small toys that your child can name ✓ Two plastic cups ✓ Teddy bear ✓ Small cardboard box ✓ Sturdy cardboard box. TIP: H Since the receptive and expressive language goals are similar this week, go back and forth in each activity by teaching the understanding or receptive language first and encouraging the expressive language next. Domain