a broadband elliptical-shaped slotantenna for the future fifth generation (5G) wireless applicationsis proposed. The antenna has a compact size of 0.5Ȝ0 ൈ 0.5Ȝ0 at 30GHz. It consists of a circular shaped radiating patch fed by a 50-ષ microstrip line via proximity-feed technique. An ellipticallyshaped slot is etched in the ground plane to enhance the antennabandwidth. A stub has been added to the microstrip line feed toachieve better impedance matching bandwidth of the antenna.Simulated results indicate that the proposed 5G antenna yields abroadband impedance bandwidth larger than 67% (from 20 GHzto beyond 40 GHz) for S11 less than -10 dB. The achievedbandwidth covers both future 5G bands (28/38 GHz). Theproposed antenna provides almost omni-directional patterns,relatively flat gain, and high radiation efficiency through thefrequency band excluding the rejected band.