Batik mostly has been traded regularly as a regular customer’s product or maybe a regular textile. Can the consumer easily identify the real and unreal batik? For this matter the batik expert in Indonesia should be able to formulate such specific definition of batik and not batik. The batik foundation of Indonesia, Department Industry of Indonesia, Department of Culture and Tourism of Indonesia are preparing some ways to protect the real batik. Consumers found difficult to precisely indentify the genuine batik product or not genuine batik with providing information in the specific batik product whether the product is a genuine or not genuine batik product as in hand written batik, printed batik or a combination of both written and printed batik. This effort is limited only to the batik production process. Very difficult to identify how many pieces the certain batik motive or design had been made. The batik user and lovers may identify batik from its designer or the village origin of such batik. With the development of technology automatically changing variety of batik design, as in written batik delicate and rough, printed batik, silk screening and printing or the combination of such batik production process. The basic material aside from cotton called mori, can be also silk, lycra, rayon and polyester physically form as ordinary textile, there are also weaving products produced by using traditional weaving tool or traditional looms called ATBM with using certain patterns.