Vielen Dank, ich bin einverstanden. Ich habe vorher nun LEDs warm und kalt gehabt. Die waren sehr unterschiedlich. Es war für mich nur neu. Ich bin schon fast an die Farbe gewöhnt. Ich werde gute Bewertung abgeben. Mfg Anna
Thank you, I agree.Before now I've had LEDs warm and cold. They were very different. It was just new for me. I'm almost used to the color.I'll give good rating.MfgAnna
Thank you, I agree. I have previously had now LEDs warm and cold. The were very different. It was only new to me. I am already used almost the color. I'll make good rating. Mfg Anna
thank you very much, i agree. i have before now leds hot and cold. they were very different. for me, it was just new. i'm almost to the color used to i'm good assessment.