In terms of stamina, physical condition , and resistance, men are inferior to women. More male embryos are lost in miscarriages. More male infants die than female. Men are less resistant to cold and illness than women . On the average, women have more fat and less muscle tissue than men. This accounts for the fact that many women outrun men in marathon races and can remain active longer than men. It also accounts for the fact that although women cannot lift objects as heavy as those lifted by men, they do possess strength in the form of endurance.
Women perceive the world differently in the ways they think. This is partly because their brains develop somewhat differently and they use their brains differently. Girls’ verbal skills develop earlier than boy’s . But the opposite is true of their visual skills. This is why boys can figure out how to put up with each other eventually , but it is a fact that girls get a verbal head start and boys a visual-spatial head start.
The most important differences between men’s and women’s brains, however, is the way they function. Woman seem to think more intuitively, because they use both sides of their brains at the same time. Men usually use one hemisphere at a time when they approach a problem. This means that men are usually more literal in their approach.
The differences between the sexes are created in large part by biology. But if sexes knew and understood the importance of these differences and how they were caused, there would be more understanding and better relationships between men and women.