Paulo Gouveia》Your Interest in Spotfireshouzou, Hello, Thank you for inquiring about Spotfire.I'd be happy to provide you with more information.If you could, please email me a little bit about what you are working on and how you envision Spotfire helping you with your work.You can email me at ... 收起全文
发件人:Paulo Gouveia收件人:shouzou wang时—间:2014年3月10日(星期一) 晚上10:35文件夹:收件箱
Thank you for inquiring about Spotfire. I'd be happy to provide you with more information. If you could, please email me a little bit about what you are working on and how you envision Spotfire helping you with your work. You can email me at
I look forward to hearing from you.
Paulo Gouveia | Americas Inside Sales Manager, Informatics Division
PerkinElmer | For the Better