(Barczak, Sultan, & Hultink, 2007) define new product performance refer to speed to market and market performance. Speed to market refers to the time engaged to deliver a product from idea formation to market launch. The shorter this cycle time, the faster the product is brought to market. Market performance refers to the point to which the new product achieve the expected sales, market share, profitability, market performance, and customer satisfaction.For this reason, (Handfield, Ragatz, Peterson, & Monczka, 1999) suggest that there are two important factors that the organizations have to consider in deciding to integrate product development process: the rate of technology change and the level of supplier expertise in providing the technology services. In this definition, new product performance not only emphasize on the quality of development process leading up to the introduction of a new product, but also the quality of the new product itself (Coenen & Kok, 2014).