Adam blinked, the song in his head cutting out. Looking down, he stared at the legging/short combo he had on and saw nothing wrong with it - after all, he loved K/DA so much he decided to go to this event cosplaying her. He knew some people may thought this was a bit weird - in fact he honestly thought Eric would, but when he'd initially told him about it a month or so ago, he was surprised at how well he took it... and was even more surprised when he then asked to see the other members, seeming to take a particular liking to Evelynn. Adam was going to ask if he'd at least want him to spray paint his car the same colour as hers, but predictably Eric had said no...Sighing as he was reminded of the embarrassing accident earlier, Adam yanked the sock on his leg halfway up his shin in an attempt to emulate the style Akali had before closing his eyes to not only hear the beat in his mind, but also see the music video playing in front of him: From the silhouette of Everic sitting on top of her car, Kai'sa walking down the tunnel, Ahri sitting on top of the washing machine in the launderette...and of course, Akali rapping on the subway train. Leaning his head back against the seat as he resumed listening to the music. He wasn't expecting to feel the almost cushiony sensation of his hair, and reminded himself to style it up at some point before getting to the festival...----Although Eric had been enjoying the quiet ride around town, he began to feel that the casual jaunt down streets wasn't satisfying him enough - he almost needed to feel and hear the roar of his engine once again... This urge wasn't the only thing that was chipping away at his focus - as he'd been driving around, he'd noticed people stopping on the street to gawk at him, with some pointing or even taking photos... initially he couldn't help but feel somewhat embarrassed about this as he assumed people were wondering why his grey car was covered in such a bright pink paint.But the most distracting part for Eric was the fact that he could see these people... without needing to use his glasses, which he'd pushed slightly further down his nose due to the fact that he actually saw better without them anyways thanks to the dye that was on them, but now he could easily read street names and road signs from distances he knew he couldn't before... but of course he wasn't going to question this! The happiness from this unexpected change caused a confidence to build within him that made his already normal posture straighten just that little bit more as a dull, barely perceptible pop going through the air as it shifted so his chest and rear were emphasized - although this was hardly noticeable, with the only sign that it happened being Eric wiggling in his seat slightly.Whilst a part of him was starting to enjoy the attention, Eric wished that he had some more alone time... and as that need to feel the car's engine trembling throughout him kept nagging at the back of his mind, he decided the past way to satiate this need was to head to the closest motorway and truly relax... Flicking a stray strand of purple dyed hair that was bobbing at the edge of his vision, Eric reminded himself that he needed to get a haircut as he drove off once again.---Even though his eyes were closed, Adam could still feel that extra layer of pitch black swirl over his vision; he immediately snapped them open and gasped as he found himself utterly shrouded in darkness... but that wasn't the only thing that shocked him, as his eyes instantly picked up on the two pink shapes floating a couple feet in front of him. Moving to try and reach out for them, the shapes moved down onto the floor directly ontop of... it was then that he realised they were his shoes, and he immediately held a hand up to slap onto his forehead, but Adam paused as he saw that his hands were completely caked in a glowing light blue substance, no doubt due to the fact that they'd taken a majority of the paint when the canister had erupted."씨발..." Adam cursed under his breath, unaware that he'd not only just spoken in Korean, but that the pitch of his voice sounded softer and higher than before. What Adam did become aware of was that the rest of his skin had been coated in a light layer of paint, judging from the purple hue that was emanating from him. Grabbing one of the sleeves of his jacket, Adam saw that the paint had gone all the way up his arm, the purplish sheen making his skin look smoother than usual. It was then that a flash of blue flickered at the edge of Adam's vision, so he looked up at the window to see his reflection - and what he saw made his eyes widen as a soft gasp slipped out of him: Not only was his face also covered in the same purplish hue as the rest of him, but his hair was now illuminated in a vibrant dark pink, from the roots of his scalp to the ends resting just below his shoulders.Taking a strand and twirling it around a finger, Adam's focus moved onto his face, as his