Given the great diversity of service industries, more research is needed toexamine the effects of physical surroundings across various service industries.Demographic differences (e.g., age, gender, and income) could be also pursued infuture research because customers’ reaction to physical environment may be differentdepending on their demographic characteristics. In addition, future studiescould assess physical environment items using simulation methods (e.g., verbaldescriptions, photos and/or slides, and videos). Because of the high expense anddifficulties in collecting data in actual business settings, simulation methods couldbe effectively used for experimental studies. Also, most research using the M-Rmodel has been conducted in Western cultures (Tang et al., 2001). Thus, futureresearch needs to be done in other cultures, further validating the M-R model. Alongitudinal study for a specific restaurant could also show how customers’ perceptionsof quality of physical environment changes over time (e.g., opening timeand one or two years later) and how those perceptions can influence customerresponses, such as customer emotions, restaurant image, customer satisfaction,and subsequently their approach–avoidance behaviors.