00:00:21,460 --> 00:00:28,779
thank you for following me through the
retouch that took a little while and it
00:00:28,779 --> 00:00:32,269
was a little bit bumpy but I hope you
learned something there cuz it's not an
00:00:32,269 --> 00:00:35,649
easy thing to find your way through a
picture it sort of takes on a life of
00:00:35,649 --> 00:00:40,670
its own and then you sort of more
forward and with the pillow the here and
00:00:40,670 --> 00:00:45,780
all that stuff was misused as that they
had to work through and it's still not a
00:00:45,780 --> 00:00:50,500
hundred percent perfect I think that 97%
there that last three percent will take
00:00:50,500 --> 00:00:54,940
some time so this is that in a later
chapter for now we want to give you some
00:00:54,940 --> 00:01:00,629
assignments and I say we it's myself an
RGD we are gonna try to have contests
00:01:00,629 --> 00:01:05,610
bilder podcasts Google do something
there so we all can interact and look at
00:01:05,610 --> 00:01:09,660
these pictures that you guys produced
together and me and some case given some
00:01:09,660 --> 00:01:13,539
feedback to the interests of different
contests so I truly hope that you will
00:01:13,539 --> 00:01:19,520
participate in not only for us for us to
see but for you as well to really you
00:01:19,520 --> 00:01:24,840
know put yourself into my process and I
think you know closing the gap from very
00:01:24,840 --> 00:01:30,040
are today and maybe very wannabe and
putting mine and your process together
00:01:30,040 --> 00:01:35,020
will help you find that voice a little
bit quicker that said here are the
00:01:35,020 --> 00:01:40,090
assignments start by asking yourself
what your story is it the same as mine
00:01:40,090 --> 00:01:44,420
is it to people or is it just one person
do you want them on the bed or do you
00:01:44,420 --> 00:01:47,969
just want to have him standing there
what's your color story they said
00:01:47,969 --> 00:01:51,770
magenta like my picture on the left is
it greener like the picture on the right
00:01:51,770 --> 00:01:56,420
which is just the background fine with
this is for you you can follow along and
00:01:56,420 --> 00:02:01,729
do exactly what I did but tried to put
your own personality in it you gonna
00:02:01,729 --> 00:02:06,310
have the background plates you gonna
have the bed ask yourself am i shooting
00:02:06,310 --> 00:02:07,979
someone sitting on the bed
00:02:07,979 --> 00:02:11,600
are they laying on the bed what are
their polls what's the mood are they
00:02:11,600 --> 00:02:16,650
happy are they jump in what's the spirit
of this picture when you know but all
00:02:16,650 --> 00:02:21,280
that is you gotta find the right girl to
fit that idea that story and that's how
00:02:21,280 --> 00:02:25,560
the picture starts unfolding when it
comes to the technical part what you
00:02:25,560 --> 00:02:26,330
00:02:26,330 --> 00:02:32,330
a bed with the white set of sheets then
that you can blend the moment that you
00:02:32,330 --> 00:02:37,400
photograph or the guy beautifully into
the sheets on the bed that will give you
00:02:37,400 --> 00:02:42,350
you saw me doing that but here I took
this bad the morph delivered for
00:02:42,350 --> 00:02:45,650
perspective and then later in there and
we used to
00:02:45,650 --> 00:02:50,230
creases in the linens to blend her in
there quite beautifully without really
00:02:50,230 --> 00:02:54,940
now you can tell that this is a
composite piece that's the technical
00:02:54,940 --> 00:03:01,730
assignment number one final your story
is number to find that white sheet that
00:03:01,730 --> 00:03:05,320
the person on there lay them into the
picture but if you want someone on the
00:03:05,320 --> 00:03:09,800
bed if you just want someone standing
would be an amazing challenges well I'm
00:03:09,800 --> 00:03:12,690
gonna give you the camera just meant to
the camera heights so you know
00:03:12,690 --> 00:03:17,430
approximately where to put your
cameraman you put this together the
00:03:17,430 --> 00:03:24,370
second part of the technical aspect of
this is the lighting I challenge you to
00:03:24,370 --> 00:03:29,370
only used bulbs that you could find in
your home or that you could buy really
00:03:29,370 --> 00:03:33,640
cheaply they have this silverdome said
you could buy at Home Depot or a
00:03:33,640 --> 00:03:37,570
hardware store that costs ten fifteen
dollars those give actually quite
00:03:37,570 --> 00:03:42,430
beautiful light this was lit with
practical lights that you see in the
00:03:42,430 --> 00:03:47,790
picture of this three of them and then
there's two lights on him and two lights
00:03:47,790 --> 00:03:53,480
India the two lights and tier is one box
that comes from the back that you saw in
00:03:53,480 --> 00:03:58,170
the doorway that you took out and then
there's two one spot that hit sort of
00:03:58,170 --> 00:04:03,820
her chest area just highlight that area
bit this two lights for Roman in the
00:04:03,820 --> 00:04:07,510
back there's one larger fill light and
then there's a harder spot on his face
00:04:07,510 --> 00:04:11,640
to highlight that so you don't need
strobe equipment for this at all this
00:04:11,640 --> 00:04:16,660
you can do so simply just by working in
the delights that you have in your house
00:04:16,660 --> 00:04:23,030
so try to create that cinematic feel
don't go crazy on strobes just use
00:04:23,030 --> 00:04:26,970
longer exposures in this case pull down
your color temperature I think we're
00:04:26,970 --> 00:04:31,930
about 1,600 maybe even lower on this so
you can do that when you shoot it on the
00:04:31,930 --> 00:04:34,240
camera or you do it afterwards in the
00:04:34,240 --> 00:04:39,919
rule software conversion so that'll give
you that cooler tone from the tungsten
00:04:39,919 --> 00:04:46,180
bulbs which is a warmer colored light so
I think that will really wrapped up its
00:04:46,180 --> 00:04:47,630
three elements to it
00:04:47,630 --> 00:04:52,759
finding your story setting the light
shooting the people obviously and then
00:04:52,759 --> 00:04:59,770
we touch it together so i believe even
those assignments and I'm truly truly
00:04:59,770 --> 00:05:04,310
truly looking forward to see some of the
results to what you would do the DS and
00:05:04,310 --> 00:05:09,259
the brilliant part about this to be
honest you will inspire me and I see
00:05:09,259 --> 00:05:15,210
your results are for this to push myself
further EDS or so contagious I'm
00:05:15,210 --> 00:05:21,030
inspired by stuff that I see around me
every day all the law so to have someone
00:05:21,030 --> 00:05:25,900
else participate so in my ideas it's
going to be really fruitful for all of
00:05:25,900 --> 00:05:29,810
us so I'm too excited about sharing this
to give you the file have you do your
00:05:29,810 --> 00:05:33,319
own capacities and really participate
and be a part of it
00:05:33,319 --> 00:05:38,830
part of the doing so that's my ending
parting words for this first assignment
100:00:21,460--> 00:00:28,779感谢你接受我花了一小会儿和它的润饰200:00:28,779--> 00:00:32,269是有点坎坷但我希望你博学的东西因为它不是300:00:32,269--> 00:00:35,649很容易就能找到的通过自己的方式它就是拿生命的图片400:00:35,649--> 00:00:40,670其自己的然后你排序的更多前进,这里的枕头和500:00:40,670--> 00:00:45,780所有的东西被滥用,他们通过工作,仍然有不600:00:45,780--> 00:00:50,500百 %完美我觉得那 97%那最后的 3%将采取那里700:00:50,500--> 00:00:54,940所以这是,在后来一些时间现在一章我们想要给你一些800:00:54,940--> 00:01:00,629分配了,说我们是我自己我们要试着轻松愉快的 RGD900:01:00,629--> 00:01:05,610受到播客谷歌做某事有的所以我们都可以进行交互和看看1000:01:05,610--> 00:01:09,660你们这些家伙产生这些图片在一起我和某些情况下给出了一些1100:01:09,660--> 00:01:13,539反馈给不同的利益比赛所以我真的希望你会1200:01:13,539--> 00:01:19,520不只是我们为我们的参与看到仅仅属于你也真的是你1300:01:19,520--> 00:01:24,840知道把自己放到我和我的过程想你知道的差距从非常1400:01:24,840--> 00:01:30,040今天是和也许非常崇拜和把我和你的过程放在一起1500:01:30,040--> 00:01:35,020会帮你找到那声音有点钻头快说到这里的1600:01:35,020--> 00:01:40,090工作分配先问问自己你的故事是它和我的一样1700:01:40 090--> 00:01:44,420是对人还是只是一个人你想他们在床上,或做你1800:01:44,420--> 00:01:47,969只是想要他站在那里他们说你颜色故事是什么1900:01:47,969--> 00:01:51,770像我在左边的照片是洋红色它像右边图片更环保2000:01:51,770--> 00:01:56,420这是只是背景好这是给你你可以跟随和2100:01:56,420--> 00:02:01,729我不知道到底什么做不过试图把你自己的个性在这你要去2200:02:01,729--> 00:02:06,310你去有背景板问问自己我射击的床铺2300:02:06,310--> 00:02:07,979有人坐在床上2400:02:07,979--> 00:02:11,600他们正在铺设在床上是什么他们轮询是什么心情是他们2500:02:11,600--> 00:02:16,650快乐是他们跳进的精神是什么当你知道这张照片,但所有的2600:02:16,650--> 00:02:21,280这就是你要找到一个合适的女孩,到适合这种想法,那个故事,已经如何2700:02:21,280--> 00:02:25,560the picture starts unfolding when itcomes to the technical part what you2800:02:25,560 --> 00:02:26,330need2900:02:26,330 --> 00:02:32,330a bed with the white set of sheets thenthat you can blend the moment that you3000:02:32,330 --> 00:02:37,400photograph or the guy beautifully intothe sheets on the bed that will give you3100:02:37,400 --> 00:02:42,350you saw me doing that but here I tookthis bad the morph delivered for3200:02:42,350 --> 00:02:45,650perspective and then later in there andwe used to3300:02:45,650 --> 00:02:50,230creases in the linens to blend her inthere quite beautifully without really3400:02:50,230 --> 00:02:54,940now you can tell that this is acomposite piece that's the technical3500:02:54,940 --> 00:03:01,730assignment number one final your storyis number to find that white sheet that3600:03:01,730 --> 00:03:05,320the person on there lay them into thepicture but if you want someone on the3700:03:05,320 --> 00:03:09,800bed if you just want someone standingwould be an amazing challenges well I'm3800:03:09,800 --> 00:03:12,690gonna give you the camera just meant tothe camera heights so you know3900:03:12,690 --> 00:03:17,430approximately where to put yourcameraman you put this together the4000:03:17,430 --> 00:03:24,370second part of the technical aspect ofthis is the lighting I challenge you to4100:03:24,370 --> 00:03:29,370only used bulbs that you could find inyour home or that you could buy really4200:03:29,370 --> 00:03:33,640cheaply they have this silverdome saidyou could buy at Home Depot or a4300:03:33,640 --> 00:03:37,570hardware store that costs ten fifteendollars those give actually quite4400:03:37,570 --> 00:03:42,430beautiful light this was lit withpractical lights that you see in the4500:03:42,430 --> 00:03:47,790picture of this three of them and thenthere's two lights on him and two lights4600:03:47,790 --> 00:03:53,480India the two lights and tier is one boxthat comes from the back that you saw in4700:03:53,480 --> 00:03:58,170the doorway that you took out and thenthere's two one spot that hit sort of4800:03:58,170 --> 00:04:03,820her chest area just highlight that areabit this two lights for Roman in the4900:04:03,820 --> 00:04:07,510back there's one larger fill light andthen there's a harder spot on his face5000:04:07,510 --> 00:04:11,640to highlight that so you don't needstrobe equipment for this at all this5100:04:11,640 --> 00:04:16,660you can do so simply just by working inthe delights that you have in your house5200:04:16,660 --> 00:04:23,030so try to create that cinematic feeldon't go crazy on strobes just use5300:04:23,030 --> 00:04:26,970longer exposures in this case pull downyour color temperature I think we're5400:04:26,970 --> 00:04:31,930about 1,600 maybe even lower on this soyou can do that when you shoot it on the5500:04:31,930 --> 00:04:34,240camera or you do it afterwards in the5600:04:34,240 --> 00:04:39,919rule software conversion so that'll giveyou that cooler tone from the tungsten5700:04:39,919 --> 00:04:46,180bulbs which is a warmer colored light soI think that will really wrapped up its5800:04:46,180 --> 00:04:47,630three elements to it5900:04:47,630 --> 00:04:52,759finding your story setting the lightshooting the people obviously and then6000:04:52,759 --> 00:04:59,770we touch it together so i believe eventhose assignments and I'm truly truly6100:04:59,770 --> 00:05:04,310truly looking forward to see some of theresults to what you would do the DS and6200:05:04,310 --> 00:05:09,259the brilliant part about this to behonest you will inspire me and I see6300:05:09,259 --> 00:05:15,210your results are for this to push myselffurther EDS or so contagious I'm6400:05:15,210 --> 00:05:21,030inspired by stuff that I see around meevery day all the law so to have someone6500:05:21,030 --> 00:05:25,900else participate so in my ideas it'sgoing to be really fruitful for all of6600:05:25,900 --> 00:05:29,810us so I'm too excited about sharing thisto give you the file have you do your6700:05:29,810 --> 00:05:33,319own capacities and really participateand be a part of it6800:05:33,319 --> 00:05:38,830这样,这就我的结局的一部分这第一次赋值的临别赠言