Sani Sdn. Bhd. provides service in terms of transportation, hospitality, properties and workshop. This company is a wholly owned Bumiputera was incorporated on 30th August 2003 and pursuant to the restructuring which resulted the company becoming the holding company.
Sani Sdn. Bhd. originally focused on a transportation industry. Following the restructuring exercise which was completed in April 2009, Sani Sdn. Bhd. decided to increase its focus on the hospitality industry, properties and workshop which to create and to meet various economic activities and market demands.
As the holding company, Sani Sdn. Bhd. professionally supports its consolidated subsidiaries with financing, operational business management and controlling activities. Many years of experience in servicing industry gives them the independence and confidence to build on sustainable success.
Their principles are strategic thinking and passionate execution, and their maxims are to achieve measurable results and exercise prudence when they conduct business. Overall, Sani Sdn. Bhd. is a thriving giant in the field of business with other companies under it, which are;
Sani Sdn. Bhd. provides service in terms of transportation, hospitality, properties and workshop. This company is a wholly owned Bumiputera was incorporated on 30th August 2003 and pursuant to the restructuring which resulted the company becoming the holding company.Sani Sdn. Bhd. originally focused on a transportation industry. Following the restructuring exercise which was completed in April 2009, Sani Sdn. Bhd. decided to increase its focus on the hospitality industry, properties and workshop which to create and to meet various economic activities and market demands.As the holding company, Sani Sdn. Bhd. professionally supports its consolidated subsidiaries with financing, operational business management and controlling activities. Many years of experience in servicing industry gives them the independence and confidence to build on sustainable success.Their principles are strategic thinking and passionate execution, and their maxims are to achieve measurable results and exercise prudence when they conduct business. Overall, Sani Sdn. Bhd. is a thriving giant in the field of business with other companies under it, which are;

Sani Sdn. Bhd. Menyediakan perkhidmatan dari segi pengangkutan, perhotelan, hartanah dan bengkel. Syarikat ini adalah milik penuh bumiputera ditubuhkan pada 30 Ogos 2003 dan selaras dengan penstrukturan semula yang mengakibatkan syarikat itu menjadi syarikat induk. Sani Sdn. Bhd. Pada asalnya memberi tumpuan kepada industri pengangkutan. Berikutan langkah penyusunan semula yang telah siap pada April 2009, Sani Sdn. Bhd. Memutuskan untuk meningkatkan fokus kepada industri perhotelan, hartanah dan bengkel untuk membuat dan untuk memenuhi pelbagai aktiviti ekonomi dan permintaan pasaran. Sebagai sebuah syarikat induk, Sani Sdn. Bhd. Secara profesional menyokong anak-anak syarikat disatukan dengan pembiayaan, pengurusan perniagaan operasi dan aktiviti kawalan. Bertahun-tahun pengalaman dalam industri servis memberikan mereka kebebasan dan keyakinan untuk membina kejayaan yang berterusan. Prinsip-prinsip mereka adalah pemikiran strategik dan pelaksanaan ghairah, dan kaedah-kaedah mereka adalah untuk mencapai hasil yang boleh diukur dan menjalankan berhemah apabila mereka menjalankan perniagaan. Secara keseluruhan, Sani Sdn. Bhd. Adalah gergasi yang berkembang maju dalam bidang perniagaan dengan syarikat-syarikat lain di bawahnya, iaitu;