The Signpost: 18 March 2013News and notes: Resigning arbitrator slams 的中文翻譯

The Signpost: 18 March 2013News and

The Signpost: 18 March 2013
News and notes: Resigning arbitrator slams Committee
Interview: Meeting in the middle: Wikipedia and libraries
Featured content: Wikipedia stays warm
WikiProject report: Making music with WikiProject Composers
Arbitration report: Another arbitrator resigns; Richard case closes
Technology report: Visual Editor "on schedule" for July rollout
Read this Signpost in full Single-page Unsubscribe EdwardsBot (talk) 09:51, 22 March 2013 (UTC)
Hi Yunshui. I do histmerges all the time, typically in the context of SPI (which I see you've recently joined as a clerk trainee, by the way, thanks for the help). The easiest way to do this would be to merge all the sandboxes into one page before moving it to the article. Basically, delete a sandbox, move another sandbox over it, then delete the new one. Move, delete, repeat. Once you have all the sandboxes at one title, restore the revisions you want to keep (perhaps you'll only want to keep the final of sequential revisions from the same user, to keep down on the history clutter, or you want to restore all revisions - up to you). Now restored, you have a chunk of the article history that you want to move to a new page. Delete that page, move the metasandbox over it, and delete it again. Then once again, restore everything you want to keep. Perhaps you want to leave out the edits to the page that caused the whole problem in the first place, and keep only the original article, the sandbox edits, and some final version. Now that I look back on my explanation, it is complicated! Well, until the WMF deploys a revision-move extension to Wikipedia, this is what we're stuck with. Someguy1221 (talk) 10:11, 22 March 2013 (UTC)

That explanation actually sort of... makes sense, amazingly. Thank you so much. Let me check that I've understood you correctly, using an example:
Much of the content of Electromyoneurography is taken from User:Sammyt21/"electroneuromyography" outline, which was copied over in this edit.
To fix it, I would first delete Electromyoneurography (using G6, presumably), and then move User:Sammyt21/"electroneuromyography" outline to the title "Electromyoneurography"
Then I delete the page Electromyoneurography again.
Then I restore the page, and in doing so, have access to all of the revisions from both pages - I select the revisions to keep from this list and restore them.
And that's it? That looks remarkably easy; am I missing something here? Yunshui 雲‍水 10:19, 22 March 2013 (UTC)
Yup, that's it. I didn't realize the three editors were working on a communal draft. That makes this quite easy. Someguy1221 (talk) 10:23, 22 March 2013 (UTC)
↑ That was the easy one... Still thank you very much for the explanation; you've managed to help me understand the process in a single paragraph, whilst reading WP:HISTMERGE just made my brain go all dribbly. Looking at your description, not only does the process now make sense (in that I understand how it works), but it's a lot simpler than I thought too. Thanks a million - I'll start sorting things out. Yunshui 雲‍水 10:28, 22 March 2013 (UTC)
I'm glad I could help. Good luck. Someguy1221 (talk) 10:32, 22 March 2013 (UTC)
Right, before I go ahead and do any more, would you mind just checking the current state of Electromyoneurography? I've performed the procedure above (hopefully correctly) so fingers crossed it should all be sorted - it certainly looks to have worked, but I'd like a second opinion. Yunshui 雲‍水 10:38, 22 March 2013 (UTC)
Oops, it looks like you made a bit of a mess of that one - those were parallel versions, which can't be history merged, because then you end up with diffs like this one which make it look like poor Noahgford deleted half the article while using a misleading edit summary... the thing to do in this situation would have been to leave the sandbox where it was and use the {{copied}} template on the talk page to make it clear what was copied from where. Basically, if there are parallel versions, you have to merge, rather than history merge. Merging does mean that the sandbox can't be deleted any more, but it can always be moved to a talk subpage or something if the user doesn't want it in their userspace. Hope this makes sense, and let me know if you have more questions. Best — Mr. Stradivarius ♪ talk ♪ 14:34, 22 March 2013 (UTC)
Dammit, I knew it seemed too straightforward... Okay, I screwed the pooch on this one; how best to fix it?
I'm keen to avoid using {{copied}} if I can - at some point, the course instructor will need to mark her student's work, and it's going to make her job substantially easier if all of the edits are on the same page. Looking at it, it doesn't seem that there's any alternative for parallel versions - surely someone must have come up with a fix for this by now?
Oh, and would you be kind enough to also check Aicardi–Goutières syndrome as well; I may well have royally cocked that up too. Facepalm3.svg Facepalm of shame. Yunshui 雲‍水 14:44, 22 M
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結果 (中文) 1: [復制]
路标: 2013 年 3 月 18 日新闻和说明: 辞职的仲裁员摔委员会面试方式: 会议在中间: 维基百科和库推荐内容: 维基百科保持温暖WikiProject 报告: 制作 WikiProject 作曲家的音乐仲裁报告: 另一名仲裁员辞职;理查德 · 案例关闭技术报告: 可视编辑器"如期"7 月推出读这个路标在全单页面取消订阅 EdwardsBot (谈话) 9:51,2013 年 3 月 22 日 (UTC)Histmerges嗨,云水。我一直在做 histmerges,通常在 SPI (其中你最近参加秘书实习,顺便说一句,谢谢你的帮助参见上下文。最简单的方法做到这一点将搬到这篇文章之前将所有的沙盒合并成一页。基本上,删除一个沙箱,将另一个沙箱到它,然后删除新一。移动、 删除、 重复。一旦你在一个标题有所有的沙盒,想要保留的修订还原 (也许会只想要保留的序贯修订决赛来自同一个用户,以压低历史杂波,或你想要所有的修订-取决于你还原)。如今被修复,你有你想要移动到新页面的文章历史一大块。删除该页面,将 metasandbox 到它,并再次删除它。然后再一次恢复你想要的一切。也许你想要离开了所做的编辑页面,造成整个问题放在第一位,并保持只有原创的文章、 沙箱编辑和一些最后的版本。现在,我回首我的解释,它是复杂的!嗯,直到 WMF 将修订移动扩展部署到维基百科,这是我们深陷其中。Someguy1221 (谈话) 10:11,2013 年 3 月 22 日 (UTC)此解释实际问题的解决的......意义,令人惊讶。非常感谢。让我查一下,我理解你正确,使用示例:很多 Electromyoneurography 的内容取自用户: Sammyt21 /"神经肌电图"大纲,复制在此编辑。若要修复它,我会首先删除 Electromyoneurography (使用 G6,据推测),然后移动用户: Sammyt21 /"神经肌电图"大纲"Electromyoneurography"的标题然后再一次可以删除页面 Electromyoneurography 了。然后我还原页面,并在这样做时,有权获得所有修订的两个页面-我选择修订保持从该列表中,并将它们还原。就是这样吗?这看起来非常容易;我错过了什么?云水雲吴语 10:19,2013 年 3 月 22 日 (UTC)是啊,就是这样。我不知道三位编辑正在社区的草案。这使得这很容易。Someguy1221 (谈话) 10:23,2013 年 3 月 22 日 (UTC)是一个容易的 ↑......仍然谢谢你非常的解释;你已经设法帮助我了解了一个段落,过程虽然只阅读 WP:HISTMERGE 使我的大脑去所有 dribbly。看看你的描述,不仅过程现在有点道理 (在这我理解它是如何工作的),但它是比我想象的太简单了很多。谢谢 100 万-我就开始整理东西。云水雲吴语 10:28,2013 年 3 月 22 日 (UTC)我能帮,令人十分高兴。祝你好运。Someguy1221 (谈话) 10:32,2013 年 3 月 22 日 (UTC)好了,我往前走,再做之前,你介意只检查 Electromyoneurography 的当前状态吗?我已经完成上面的步骤 (希望是正确的),所以手指越过它应全部进行排序 — — 它当然看起来过,但我会喜欢第二种意见。云水雲吴语 10:38,2013 年 3 月 22 日 (UTC)哦,它看起来像你一点那些并行的版本,不能合并,因为历史的乱七八糟的那个-然后你将会像这样使它看起来像差 Noahgford 删除...使用误导性的编辑摘要时半条差异的事情在这种情况本来离开其所在的沙箱和使用上讨论页要弄清楚的 {{复制}} 模板从哪里复制内容。基本上,如果有并行的版本,你要合并,而不是历史合并。合并意味着沙箱不能删除任何更多,但可以总是将它移动到谈话子页或东西如果用户不想它在他们的用户空间。希望这是有道理,并让我知道是否你有更多的问题。最佳 — — 斯特拉迪瓦里先生 ♪ 讨论 ♪ 14:34,2013 年 3 月 22 日 (UTC)该死,我知道它看起来太简单了......好吧,我砸了这一方面;如何最好地解决它呢?我热衷于避免使用 {{复制}} 如果能 — — 在某种程度上,课程的教师将需要标记她的学生工作,它要使她的工作极大地更容易,如果所有的编辑操作都是在同一页上。看着它,好像不是有任何替代并行版本-肯定有人必须为拿出解决问题的方法这到现在吗?哦,和你会好心的也一样; 检查 Aicardi — — Goutières 综合征我可能也有皇家竖起,太。Facepalm3.svg Facepalm 的耻辱。云水雲吴语 14:44,22 万
結果 (中文) 3:[復制]
路标:2013月18消息与注释:大满贯委员会仲裁员辞职采访:在中间的会议:维基百科和图书馆精选内容:维基百科保持温暖专题:专题报告与作曲家创作音乐仲裁:仲裁员辞职报告李察的情况下关闭;技术报告:可视化编辑器的“计划”于七月推出在单页退订edwardsbot阅读路标(谈)09:51,2013月22(UTC)histmerges嗨,云水。我做histmerges所有的时间,通常在SPI的背景(我看你最近加入作为见习文员,顺便说一句,谢谢你的帮助)。做这个最简单的方法就是将所有的沙箱为一页之前移动到第。基本上,删除一个“一个”的“一个”,然后再把它移到另一个上面,然后删除它。移动,删除,重复。一旦你把所有的沙箱一标题,恢复你想要修改(也许你只想保持连续的修改最终从相同的用户,保持了历史的混乱,或者你想恢复所有的修改到你)。现在恢复了,你有一个你想搬到一个新的网页的文章的一部分。删除页面,移动metasandbox超过它,并删除了。然后再一次,恢复你想要的一切。也许你想把编辑页面的编辑放在第一位,并保留原来的文章、编辑和一些最后的版本。现在,我回头看我的解释,它是复杂的!嗯,直到WMF部署修改移动扩展到维基百科,这是我们的坚持。someguy1221(谈)10:11,2013月22(UTC)这种解释实际上是…有意义,令人惊讶。非常感谢你。让我看看我是否正确理解你,用一个例子:大部分的内容是从electromyoneurography用户:sammyt21 /“速度”的轮廓,这是在复制本编辑。修理它,我会首先删除electromyoneurography(使用G6,大概),然后移动用户:sammyt21 /“速度”大纲标题“electromyoneurography”然后我删除页面electromyoneurography再次。然后,我恢复页面,并在这样做,有访问所有的修订,从两页-我选择的修订,以保持从这个列表,并恢复他们。那是什么?那看起来很容易,我在这里遗漏了什么吗?云水雲‍水10:19,2013月22(UTC)是的,就是这样。我没有意识到这三位编辑在一个共同的草案中工作。这使得这相当容易。someguy1221(谈)10:23,2013月22(UTC)↑是容易的…还是非常感谢你的解释;你能帮助我了解一段过程,同时阅读可湿性粉剂:histmerge只是让我的大脑去dribbly。看你的描述,不仅是这个过程现在是有意义的(在我了解它是如何工作的),但它比我想象的简单得多。谢谢一百万-我会开始整理东西。云水雲‍水10:28,2013月22(UTC)我很高兴我能帮助。好运。someguy1221(谈)10:32,2013月22(UTC)好,我去做什么之前,你检查electromyoneurography的现状?我已经完成了上面的程序(希望是正确的),所以手指穿过它应该所有的排序-它肯定看起来已经工作,但我想一秒钟的意见。云水雲‍水10:38,2013月22(UTC)哎呀,看来你有点乱,一是并行版本,不能成为历史的合并,因为你最终有这样的差别,使它看起来像可怜的noahgford删除文章一半在使用误导编辑摘要…在这种情况下做的事情将是离开的,它是和使用{ { { {复制} }模板上的讲话页,以使其清楚的是什么是复制的。基本上,如果有并行版本,你必须合并,而不是历史合并。合并意味着沙箱不能删除任何更多的,但它总是可以被移到一个说话的子页面或者如果用户不需要在用户空间。希望这是有意义的,让我知道如果你有更多的问题。最好的斯特拉迪瓦里♪♪14:34先生说,2013三月22(UTC)该死的,我知道这似乎太简单…好吧,我把这一只狗;如何解决?我很想避免使用{ {复制} }如果我能在某个时候,课程讲师将需要标记她的学生的工作,并且它将使她的工作更容易,如果所有的编辑是在同一页。看它,似乎没有任何替代的平行版本-肯定有人已经提出了一个固定的这一点吗?哦,和你能同时检查Aicardi–goutièRES综合征等;我可能已经庄严地竖起了太多。facepalm3.svg facepalm SH
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