When was the last time you updated your advertising copy, such as on AdWords or Facebook ads? If you’re not updating your ads, your frequency — the number of times one person sees a specific ad — is likely going through the roof. A high frequency is typically not good in terms of return on overall ad spend.
To change ad copy, do not just pick a new headline and image out of thin air. Instead, take the data from the ads you have been running to make a better ad, or at least test versions of your current ads to improve performance.
In this article, I’ll describe a mechanism for writing better ads. I’ll address when to change ads and when to stop them. I’ll use Facebook ads as examples, as Facebook provides positive and negative feedback.
Ad Frequency
What is an acceptable ad frequency? This will vary slightly depending on your shoppers’ place in the funnel — i.e., first time vs. remarketing.
When it comes to people that haven’t visited your site before, aim for a frequency of no more than two. Some advertisers might call this too low and too difficult to achieve. But think about it this way: Say you have a 1 percent Facebook lookalike audience in the U.S. That’s 1.9 million people. It’s going to take a while to reach them all. Avoiding a frequency of two isn’t hard.
Now, for remarketing ads. This frequency can be higher, as these ads serve more of a reminder. I wouldn’t go above five, however. That’s because, for a remarketing audience, it’s less about the wow and more about the reminder. Additional reasons for a higher frequency for remarketing ads are as follows.
Smaller audiences. Remarketing audiences are typically smaller, especially if the audience is heavily segmented. Less people means more chances they’ll see an ad.
Lower cost. Remarketing ads are often cheaper. Depending on how much budget you allot to your remarketing campaign, you could overspend, and thus drive up the frequency.
Refreshing Ads
So how to refresh ads, to keep the frequencies low and the performance high? Unfortunately, with the Facebook ads platform, advertisers cannot test rotated ads. The system will automatically show the ads that preform the best.
Unlike AdWords, there is no “Rotate Evenly” option on Facebook, much to many an advertisers’ dismay. There is a workaround, however, but it doesn’t always work. You can launch two identical ad sets, and have a different ad in each. This means if you want to launch a new ad, you’ll likely have to pause and re-launch the existing ads you want to submit against.
Facebook’s Power Editor makes this easy, but it’s still a laborious process. Until Facebook offers greater control over ad rotation, however, this is how it’s done. As is, when you launch a set of ads, you’ll have to keep a close eye on what works, because the system will quickly choose. Then it’s on you to innovate and improve.
Testing Ad Copy
So how do you take your learnings from Facebook and improve? It can be tricky if winning ads get automatically chosen in just a few days or even hours, depending on your budget. It’s mostly a game of statistical significance.
For example, say we have two ads: one has spent $1,000 and has a cost per acquisition of $100. The other has spent $60, and has a CPA of $20. Which one do we pick? The ad with the CPA of $20, right? Wrong. Even though the CPA is $80 lower, the scale is drastically smaller, so those numbers can’t be trusted.
You’ll likely run into scenarios like this frequently, waiting for the results to be statistically significant. (I use a free tool from Visual Website Optimizer to check if the results are statistically adequate.) Once you get to significance, choose your winning ad. From there, change it, and run the changed version against the original. Do this repeatedly until you’re satisfied with the results — knowing you should always strive for improvements.
上次你更新你的廣告文案,如 AdWords 或 Facebook 的廣告的時間是什麼時候?如果你沒有在更新您的廣告,你的頻率 — — 一個人看到一個特定廣告的次數 — — 是可能飛漲。高頻率通常是不好在考慮回報率整體廣告花費。若要更改廣告文案,不只是摘一個新標題和圖像從稀薄的空氣。相反,把你一直要一個更好的廣告,廣告中的資料或至少測試版本的你當前的廣告來提高性能。在這篇文章,我將描述一種機制用於編寫更好的廣告。我會解決何時更改廣告以及何時去制止他們。我將使用 Facebook 的廣告為例,如 Facebook 提供積極和消極的回饋。廣告頻率可接受的廣告出現頻率是什麼?這會略有不同,具體取決於您購物的地方在漏斗 — — 即,第一次與再銷售。當人們還沒有訪問您的網站之前,目標次數不超過兩個。一些廣告商可能會調用這太低,也難以實現。但想想看這種方式︰ 說你在美國有 1%的 Facebook 長得像觀眾那是 190 萬人。它要需要一段時間,以達到他們所有。避免的兩個頻率並不難。現在,為銷售廣告。這個頻率可以更高,因為這些廣告服務更多的提醒。然而,我不會去五個,以上。這是因為,對於再銷售的觀眾,它是少哇,多關心提醒。更高的頻率,再銷售廣告的其他理由如下。更小的觀眾。再銷售的觀眾則通常較小,尤其是觀眾嚴重分割。更少人手段的機會他們會看到一則廣告。更低的成本。再銷售廣告往往比較便宜。取決於您將分配給您再銷售運動多少預算,可能超支,並從而抬高的頻率。令人耳目一新的廣告所以如何刷新廣告,以保持頻率低和高性能?不幸的是,Facebook 的廣告平臺,廣告商不能測試旋轉的廣告。系統將自動顯示瓶坯最好的廣告。與不同的 AdWords,還有沒有"均勻地旋轉"選項在 facebook 上,多給很多廣告主的沮喪。然而,還有一個變通方法,但它並不總是有效。可以啟動兩個完全相同的廣告集,並在每個有一個不同的廣告。這意味著如果你想要啟動一個新的廣告,你可能得暫停和重新開機您要提交反對現有的廣告。Facebook’s Power Editor makes this easy, but it’s still a laborious process. Until Facebook offers greater control over ad rotation, however, this is how it’s done. As is, when you launch a set of ads, you’ll have to keep a close eye on what works, because the system will quickly choose. Then it’s on you to innovate and improve.Testing Ad CopySo how do you take your learnings from Facebook and improve? It can be tricky if winning ads get automatically chosen in just a few days or even hours, depending on your budget. It’s mostly a game of statistical significance.For example, say we have two ads: one has spent $1,000 and has a cost per acquisition of $100. The other has spent $60, and has a CPA of $20. Which one do we pick? The ad with the CPA of $20, right? Wrong. Even though the CPA is $80 lower, the scale is drastically smaller, so those numbers can’t be trusted.You’ll likely run into scenarios like this frequently, waiting for the results to be statistically significant. (I use a free tool from Visual Website Optimizer to check if the results are statistically adequate.) Once you get to significance, choose your winning ad. From there, change it, and run the changed version against the original. Do this repeatedly until you’re satisfied with the results — knowing you should always strive for improvements.