Will my order be subject to sales tax?
Taxes that appear on your online order are approximate. The actual taxes charged to your credit card will reflect the applicable state and local sales taxes, and will be calculated when your order is shipped. Orders shipped to Connecticut, Illinois, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, or Washington will have all applicable local and state sales taxes added to your total order, and to your shipping charges where appropriate.
Due to legislative changes, sales tax will be charged on orders shipping to California on or after September 15, 2012.
We do not collect sales or use tax in the remaining states. However, purchases from drugstore.com are not exempt merely because they are made via the internet. Colorado, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Vermont state sales or use tax is due on all non-exempt purchases made by residents of these states. The purchase is subject to state use tax unless it is specifically exempt from taxation. Residents of these states are required to file a tax return at the end of each year for all untaxed purchases.