Thank you for correcting the missing intonation symbols in the greek keyboard, following my previous feedback. I am now using this as my default keyboard.
I would like to make 2 more recommendations to make it even more functional:
1) the "extended" greek characters are used in descending frequency as follows (using υ as the example): υύϋΰ. It would therefore be very helpful if the default extended character (the one typed by just keeping the letter pressed just a bit longer) would be the one with just "tonos", ie. ύ. In the case of υ (ypsilon) it is instead the ΰ.
2) it would be fantastic if you would incorporate in the Greek keyboard the symbols you have incorporated in the latin keyboard, so that we don't have to switch to the symbols' keyboard to type those. !@#$%^&*()[]+:;"'_-/. I know the last couple of those are "behind" the period, but it would be so much more practical to have all of them and in the manner available in the latin keyboard. Having them over consonants (ςρτθπσδφγξκλζχψβνμ) would perhaps be simplest, as those letters have no extended characters.
Thank you in advance.