

1、制动器 制动器是起重机的重要部件,直接影响各机构运动的准确性的可靠性,因此,要认真检查起升机构与变幅机构的制动器,观察制动闸瓦的开度及摩擦元件的磨损情况。带式制动器要注意检查其制动带的钢背衬有无裂纹,制动器的传动是否灵活,刹车架是否完好以及主弹簧和辅助弹簧的弹性是否符合要求。
2、减速器 检查减速器是否有漏油,运行时箱体内有无异响。有异响一般因轴承问题或齿轮啮合侧隙过大、齿面磨损严重等原因所致。
3、钢丝绳和滑轮 检查钢丝绳有否断丝、磨损、扭结和锈蚀等情况,对磨损、断丝较为严重但尚未超标的位置,要做上记号,以便重点复检;检查钢丝绳在卷筒中的安全限位器是否有效,卷筒上的钢丝绳压板是否已压紧。
4、联轴节 检查各联轴节有无松动甚至“滚键”。着重检查弹性柱销联轴节的弹性橡胶圈有无异常磨损,齿形联轴节要特别注意其齿轮齿圈磨损状况。在安装精度差、两轴之间有较大偏移的情况下,整个齿圈很快会磨秃。如果此情形发生在起升机构中,容易发生严重事故。
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結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
起重机的安全技术检查安全技术检查,是起重设备管理的关键,起重机械的使用效果很大程度上取决于起重机械使用过程中进行安全技术检查、日常维护保养和管理的质量。做好起重机的安全技术检查,并依据检查的实际情况,及时进行维护、保养,对延长设备的使用寿命,提高设备完好率与利用率,消除事故隐患,保证安全生产,具有重要意义。 为保证起重机械的安全运行,应当建立和健全关于起重机械的维修保养、定期检验、安全规程和交接班等制度,并教育有关人员认真执行。对本单位的起重机械应进行登记,详细记载每台起重机的规格、性能等有关技术资料,同时,起重机的历次技术检查、大修、改变起重机的重要性能和重大事故的情况等等都应做好记录,以备日后查找和参考。 做好起重机安全管理工作的一项重要的内容,就是必须加强对起重机操作人员的安全教育,督促操作人员自觉做好对起重机的日常检查与维护保养。日常的班前起重机机电系统的安全检查是操作人员职责范围内的工作,也是起重机定期专业检查所不能替代的。只有日常检查与专业检查相结合,才能保证起重机的安全运行。 一、运行环境的检验 运行环境虽不属于起重机自身范围,但对起重机的安全运行有直接关系,故也是对起重机进行安全检查时必不可少的内容。其检查一要查看起重机运行区间有无电力线路(特别是高压线路),起重机在运行时应与之保持足够的安全距离。否则,应采取相应措施,限制起重机的运行范围。二要检查周边建筑物,临时设施等有无防碍起重机正常运行,起重臂、平衡物等部位是否会与之发生碰撞,特别在门式起重机轨道延伸时或固定式起重机升高位移时,尤应注意检查。对于汽车起重机还应检查是否有足够的支腿位置,地下有无空洞以及地面承载能力的大小。详细检查起重机轨道、挡轨器、轨道两端的防撞装置、啃轨情况以及轨道温差间隙等。 二、行走部分的检查 主要检查行走轮踏面,各开式齿轮、联轴节,变速器的基础螺栓以及行走轮轴的油孔等部位,如行走轮踏面表层硬度质量不好;可在检查中看到块状剥离物,各开式齿轮、联轴节应配有防护罩;变速器的基础螺栓如有松动应及时拧紧;保持行走轮轴的油孔通畅。 三、金属结构的检查 必须注意金属结构的塑性变形。主梁拱度是起重机结构检查的重点部位,避免由于超载、热幅射等因素的影响引起起重机主梁上拱度消失甚至下挠。另外,对于起重臂有无碰弯、扭曲;起重臂、平衡臂根部插销的耳板,桥机的主梁腹板与下盖板之间焊缝是否裂开等,都应作重点检查。 起重机臂架、塔机的塔身、门座起重机的回转中心轴承座、履带式起重机的底座等重要部位的主要结构联接螺栓的检查,由于上述部位的螺栓频繁承受拉应力、剪切力及扭转力等综合作用,如果发生从根部断裂的情况其后果将非常严重。 四、各机构和零部件的检查 1、制动器 制动器是起重机的重要部件,直接影响各机构运动的准确性的可靠性,因此,要认真检查起升机构与变幅机构的制动器,观察制动闸瓦的开度及摩擦元件的磨损情况。带式制动器要注意检查其制动带的钢背衬有无裂纹,制动器的传动是否灵活,刹车架是否完好以及主弹簧和辅助弹簧的弹性是否符合要求。 2、减速器 检查减速器是否有漏油,运行时箱体内有无异响。有异响一般因轴承问题或齿轮啮合侧隙过大、齿面磨损严重等原因所致。 3、钢丝绳和滑轮 检查钢丝绳有否断丝、磨损、扭结和锈蚀等情况,对磨损、断丝较为严重但尚未超标的位置,要做上记号,以便重点复检;检查钢丝绳在卷筒中的安全限位器是否有效,卷筒上的钢丝绳压板是否已压紧。 对滑轮的检查重点是槽底磨损量是否超标,铸铁滑轮是否存在裂纹。俯仰机构滑轮组的平衡轮易被忽视,安装前一定要检查其转动的灵活性,如果平衡轮转动不灵活,安装中俯扬左右钢丝绳的长短和拉力不能通过平衡轮来自调,将会增加在高空调整俯扬钢丝绳的难度和作业危险性。 4、联轴节 检查各联轴节有无松动甚至“滚键”。着重检查弹性柱销联轴节的弹性橡胶圈有无异常磨损,齿形联轴节要特别注意其齿轮齿圈磨损状况。在安装精度差、两轴之间有较大偏移的情况下,整个齿圈很快会磨秃。如果此情形发生在起升机构中,容易发生严重事故。 五、液压系统的检查 汽车式的轮胎式起重机的起升、回转、变幅及支腿伸缩动作一般都采用液压传动系统。要检查伸缩臂液压缸能否持久保持起重臂伸长长度,液压缸有无泄漏;检查变幅油缸及支腿油缸有无泄漏,在额定载荷下,其下沉与回缩量是否符合要求,支腿有无“软腿”现象;检查各液压泵、阀、液压锁的运行是否正常,动作是否灵敏可靠,有无异常振动与噪声,密封件性能是否良好,液压油有无内泄、渗漏;检查液压油有无变质、污染;油箱液面高度是否符合规定,各高压管、接头有无泄漏。 六、起重机电器检查 起重机在冲击、振动与摆动的工况下作业,电器设备容易发生故障,特别在高温、多尘、潮湿的环境下,更容易发生故障引发事故。所以,应重视对起重机电器部分的安全检查。 电器系统必须注意电动机的绝缘电阻是否在正常范围内,运行时有无异响、温升是否正常;停机时检查其滑环、电刷、导线接头有无明显的裂纹、磨损、松动和附着碳粉等;检查集电装置、电源滑线有无变形磨损,张紧装置是否正常,滑线与滑块的接触是否良好;检查电器元件及控制系统各开关外壳有无破损,合闸时接触部位压力是否适当,熔断器的容量是否符合要求;接触器主触头和辅助触头有无烧毛,接触时触头间的压力是否足够,触头脱开是进否彻底;接触器动静铁芯吸合面有无附着物,吸合时有无异响,灭弧罩是否完好;以及配电柜上的各继电器工作是否正常,各接线柱、接线螺钉的紧固是否良好,驾驶室内各控制器动作方向是否正确,有无零位保护,特别应检查操纵台上是否设有紧急断电开关,并确认如遇紧急情况是否能有效切断电源;检查力矩限制器、超载限制器和各行程保护装置的灵敏可靠程度。
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
Crane safety inspection technology
safety inspection technology is key for heavy equipment management, effect using heavy machinery to a large extent determined in heavy machinery used in the process of safety and technical inspection and daily maintenance of the quality of maintenance and management. Do crane safety inspection technology, and based on the actual situation of the inspection, timely maintenance, maintenance, to extend equipment service life, improve equipment intact rate and utilization rate, eliminate hidden dangers of accidents to ensure safety in production, with important significance. In order to ensure the safe operation of crane, the maintenance and periodic inspection of lifting machinery should be established and maintained,Safety regulations and transfer classes and other systems, and education related personnel to perform. The unit of heavy machinery should register, a detailed record of the every cranes, specifications, and other relevant technical data, at the same time, the crane of the previous technical inspection, overhaul, change the crane important performance and major accidents, should make a record, to preparation day after search and reference.
do crane safety management work is an important content, is the need to strengthen safety education to the crane operator, supervise the operator conscientiously do a good job on the daily inspection of crane and maintenance.The safety inspection of the daily pre class crane and electrical system is the work of the operator's responsibility. Only daily inspection and professional inspection combined to ensure the safe operation of the crane.
A, running environment test
environment although does not belong to the crane itself, but to the crane safe operation is directly related to, so as to carry out safety inspection crane indispensable content. The inspection of a crane to see the operating range of the power line (especially the high-voltage line), the crane should be maintained at the time of the safe distance. Otherwise,Corresponding measures should be taken to limit the operating range of the crane. To check the surrounding buildings, temporary facilities have no interfere with the normal operation of the crane, boom, balance and other parts will collide with the, especially in portal crane rail extension or stationary crane lift high displacement, especially should pay attention to check. There should also be a sufficient test for the vehicle crane to have enough support to the leg, the ground floor and the size of the bearing capacity of the ground. Detailed inspection of crane rail, rail, rail ends of the collision avoidance device, the track of the track and the rail temperature gap, etc.. Two, walking part of the inspection of the main check wheel tread,The open wheel, coupling, transmission of the foundation bolts and walking wheel of the oil hole and parts, such as walking wheel tread surface hardness of the quality is not good, can be seen in the inspection massive stripping and the open wheel, shaft coupling should be equipped with protective cover; if the transmission of the foundation bolts loose should be tightened in time; to keep walking axle oil hole smooth. The examination of the structure of three and the metal must pay attention to the plastic deformation of the metal structure. Girder arch degree is a key parts of the inspection of crane structure and avoid the overload, thermal radiation and other factors of the effects caused by crane girder arch disappear even under torsion. In addition, the boom has no bend, twist;Arm and balance arm root portion of the bolt lug, the bridge crane girder webs under cover and whether the split between weld should focus on examination.
of the boom of the crane, tower crane tower, portal crane rotary center bearing seat, a crawler crane base an important part of the main structure of connecting bolts in check, because the parts of the frequent bolt under tensile force, shearing force and torque force, if occur from the root fracture of the consequences will be very serious. Four, the inspection of the body and the parts of the 1, the brake is an important part of the crane,Directly affect the accuracy of the mechanism motion reliability. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully check up mechanism and luffing mechanism of the brake, brake shoe open degree and the friction element wear was observed. Band brake should pay attention to check the brake band steel back lining crack, the drive brake is flexible, brake frame is in good condition and main spring and an auxiliary spring elastic whether meet the requirements.
2, speed reducer check whether there is leakage of oil, running the box body is no different. There are different ring general due to bearing problems or gear meshing side gap is too large, tooth wear and other reasons caused by serious.
3,Wire rope and pulley rope inspection has no breakage, abrasion, kink and corrosion, etc., to wear, broken wires in a more serious but not yet the standard position, to mark to focus on re examination; examination of wire rope reel safety limit is whether effective, reel wire rope clamp is pressed. The inspection of the pulley is focused on whether the end of the groove wear is excessive, and whether there is a crack in the cast iron wheel. Pitching mechanism of pulley block balance wheel is easy to be ignored, the installation must be checked before the rotation flexibility, if the balance wheel rotation is not flexible, installation about stoop Yang rope length and tension can not be the balance wheel adjustment from.Will increase the difficulty and operational risk of adjusting the height of the wire rope at high altitude.
4, coupling check the availability of loose coupling or "roll key". Focus on examination of elastic column pin joint coupling of the elastic rubber ring any abnormal wear, gear coupling should pay special attention to the pinion and ring gear wear condition. In between the two, the installation of the accuracy with larger offset case, the ring gear will soon bald. If this is the case in the hoisting mechanism, it is easy to have a serious accident. Five, the hydraulic system of the check of the car type of crane's hoisting, rotation, variable amplitude and leg stretching movements are generally used in hydraulic transmission system.To check the telescopic hydraulic cylinder can long maintain jib elongation length, hydraulic cylinder leaks; luffing tank inspection and leg cylinder leaks, under the rated load, sink back to its necking and whether it meets the requirements, leg "soft legs" phenomenon; check the hydraulic pumps, valves, hydraulic lock is in normal operation, action is sensitive and reliable, have no abnormal vibration and noise, sealing performance is good, hydraulic oil has no internal leakage, leakage; check the hydraulic oil have no deterioration or contamination; tank liquid level height is in accordance with the provisions, the high-pressure pipe, joints have no leakage.
six, crane electrical inspection of the crane in the impact,Under the condition of vibration and swing, the electrical equipment is prone to failure, especially in high temperature, dusty, wet environment, more prone to failure caused by accident. Therefore, we should pay attention to the safety inspection of the crane electrical parts.
electrical system must pay attention to the motor insulation resistance is in the normal range, operation is abnormal sound, temperature is normal; stop check the slip ring, brush, wire connectors have no obvious cracks, wear, and loosening the toner adhesion etc.; check set electrical apparatus, electric source slip line of the deformation wear, tensioning device is normal and sliding contact wire and slide block is good;Check the electrical components and control system of the switch shell is damaged, the closing contact pressure parts is appropriate, whether it meets the requirements of the capacity of the fuse; the contactor main contact and auxiliary contact singeing, contact between the contact pressure is sufficient, the disconnection of the contact is in not thoroughly; contactor dynamic and static iron core to pull surface attachment, attracting any abnormal sound, arc shield is intact; and power distribution cabinet of the relay is normal, the terminal, the terminal screw fastening is good, driving indoor controller action direction is correct, zero protection, in particular, should check console is equipped with an emergency power-off switch,And confirm whether the case of emergency can effectively cut off the power supply; check the torque limiter, overload limiter and the protection device of the stroke sensitive and reliable degree.
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