1.1. The cumulative rise of DWT of Capesize vessels from 1998 to 2018… p.6<br>1.2. The combination of the world GDP and the rate of change in terms of DWT(1999-2018)………………………………………...……………….p.7<br>1.3. The fluctuation of the dry index (2003-2018)…………………………...... p.8<br>Chapter 2: The Flags of registration regarding the capesize Vessels……………....... p.9<br>2.1 The flags of registration in terms of DWT (2007)…………….…………..... p.9<br>2.2 The flags of registration in terms of DWT (2017)…………………….....….p.10<br>2.3The combination of the flags of registration in terms of DWT in 2007 and 2017...p.11<br>Chapter 3: The developments regarding the capesize shipbuilding………………..… p.12<br>3.1 The main shipyards in terms of DWT in 2007……………………………… p.12<br>3.2 The main shipyards in terms of DWT in 2017………..…………...………..