I need to get rid of Blackbeard,” Ace said quietly, resolute in his decision.“I agree,” said Sabo, finally smiling faintly. He lightly punched Ace’s shoulder. “But maybe you can up with a plan, rather than charging in blindly. And you should probably speak to Whitebeard,” he suggested.“I made a promise with Luffy that we would live a life without regrets,” Ace said, suddenly desperate for Sabo to understand him. “I can’t let what Blackbeard did to Thatch go, Sabo, I’d regret it for the rest of my life.”Sabo studied him thoughtfully. “Would you regret not seeing Luffy fulfil his dreams?” he asked quietly, eyes boring into him. Ace felt his face fall slack at the suggestion and he could offer the blond no response because they both knew the answer was a resounding yes. As much as he loved and respected Whitebeard and had vowed to make him Pirate King, it was Luffy he wanted to see flourish more than anyone.“Come on, let’s go see if we can raid the galley. I’m starving,” Sabo said, abruptly changing the subject, much to Ace’s relief. Sabo’s words had cut deep. He really did need to think through his next course of action. Blackbeard clearly had the edge over him at the moment, but that didn’t mean he was unbeatable.“Where are you headed next?” Ace asked, as Sabo quickly went about the cabin trying to find his boots.“Um, I imagine Dragon-san will want me back in the New World soon,” Sabo said with a careless shrug. “You’re welcome to stay with us as long as you want though,” he added with a smile.Ace gratefully returned it. Spending some time with his brother sounded exactly like what he needed right now.His stomach chose that moment to growl loudly.Sabo laughed “Come on, let’s go feed that bottomless pit of yours,” he teased, tugging Ace from the cabin.