Hypothesis 4a~e: Service quality SERVQUAL scale factors not only have positive impact on the overall customer service satisfaction but also cause significance.Questionnaires DesignA. Questionnaires FrameworkThe design approached to structured questionnaires, which composed of three parts: General customer background information as part 1; Desired perception and experienced perception as part 2; and the part 3 is customer satisfaction.B. Encoded Scoring of ScalePerceptions research model conducted by Five –Level Likert Scale, +1 ~ + 5 points were measured, coded scoring scale, as shown in Table 1.C. Pre-test Questionnaires and Reliability TestThis pilot research survey was conducted in October 2014 at Jingguang Hotel that has acquired hot spring certificate.According to Wu (2009), pointed out that the number of samples for questionnaires should be taken 3-5 times the maximum "subscale" items as principle. This questionnaires consisted of 20 questions, was expected to collect at least 60 copies. 70 questionnaires were distributed to the tourists of spa hotel, the collected sample came to 65, the collected rate was 92.85%, excluding invalid 2 copies, valid questionnaires rate came to 90%.Table 1. Encoded Scoring Scale (a) Data AnalysisService quality perception scale and customer satisfaction scale are significant at more than 0.30 on the same basis of coefficient; extreme scale test questions of the group are considered as significant level, consequently, all questions are reserved.(b) 探索性因素分析KMO 值為 0.923 (> 0.6) 和巴特爾前測試顯著水準 (P < 0.005),顯示研究問卷資料適合做因數分析。運用探索性因素分析簡化方法原理成分分析的服務品質規模專案的看法),提取的共同的因素,對於正交軸,所述的載入的因數是大於 0.5 啟用其意義方能從容應付。總的四個因素中提取解釋總方差的 66.191%。這P84 因素均符合感知的服務品質量表的理論框架被任命為服務的有形資產、 服務保證、 服務回應速度、 服務移情 20 問題總數 (表 2)。(c) 可靠性分析通過可靠性分析模型規模發現三維尺度巴赫 α 係數分別為 0.705 和 0.733。巴赫 α 係數在滿意度量表是.828,表明所有與高可靠性。D.操作和正式問卷調查的物件Questionnaires were completed by over-night travelers. In this study, questionnaires are taken by research survey rather than a random sample of convenience. In terms of the amount of sample extraction, under the assumption of sampling error is less than 5% to reliability of 95%, the number of samples collected at least 385 copies. The number of samples derived from the formula was 385 copies, taking the effective rate of pre-trial questionnaire survey of 90% into consideration; distributed formal questionnaires 424 copies were required.