Desde que lo descargue, mi teléfono no a liberado tanto espacio como en lo decía la app, y la mayoría de los problemas empezaron cuando lo descargue, se salia de las aplicaciones en las que estaba y me llevaba a la app, así que decidí desinstalarla.
Since downloading it, my phone not to released both space and the app said it, and most of the problems began when downloading it, is got applications that was and took me to the app, so I decided to uninstall it.
Since I download my phone not released much space as in the app he said, and most problems started when downloading is issued from applications where it was and took me to the app, so I decided to uninstall .
Since I released my phone to download, not as much space as it was in the app, and most of the problems began when I downloaded IT, out of the applications in which was and took me to the app, so I decided to uninstall it.