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Thank You For The Magic!
By The Divine Goddess Dvorah
from Phoenix, AZ
This is a "Thank you Rhonda Byrne" for everything you have experienced and been open to, that brought you to writing and sharing your book, The Magic. Blessings on your soul!
In early April, 2012, my adopted sister, who for most of my 59 years was nothing more than a source of irritation to me, called me and suggested that we "do" this book together. I already had the DVD of The Secret, and purchased a complete set of the audio CDs at The Goodwill for $5 which I listen to continuously in my car.
I agreed, and we started on 4/15/12. For the past 469 days, we have shared our gratitudes with each other, EVERY DAY, without fail! She lives in North Carolina and I live in Phoenix, so the time difference and our personal agendas can be a challenge, but it's become a way of life for us.
I can't imagine my life without it.
She also came to visit for a weekend. This is a person I went for years without even contacting!!! YOU and The MAGIC have changed my life!
I am so full of love, joy and peace that I can't possibly begin to explain how it has healed every aspect of my life.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Rhonda Byrne. Namaste!
About The Divine Goddess Dvorah from Phoenix, AZ:
I am, in this incarnation, a female, adopted, married and divorced x4. A mother and grandmother, presently employed as an RN in trauma surgery, but have done and been too many things to even attempt to list.
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A New Website for The Secret is Coming Soon… click to read more on FacebookWatch The Secret FilmThe SecretHomeLiving The SecretGifts for YouStoreBehind The SecretContact UsFacebook Twitter Instagram Pinterest YouTube The Secret Film The Secret App The Secret Book The Power Book The Magic Book Hero The Secret Daily Teachings The Secret to Teen Power The Secret Gratitude Book The Science of Getting Rich Stories Latest News Sign up for The Secret ScrollsRead the Latest StoriesThank You For The Magic!By The Divine Goddess Dvorahfrom Phoenix, AZThis is a "Thank you Rhonda Byrne" for everything you have experienced and been open to, that brought you to writing and sharing your book, The Magic. Blessings on your soul! In early April, 2012, my adopted sister, who for most of my 59 years was nothing more than a source of irritation to me, called me and suggested that we "do" this book together. I already had the DVD of The Secret, and purchased a complete set of the audio CDs at The Goodwill for $5 which I listen to continuously in my car. I agreed, and we started on 4/15/12. For the past 469 days, we have shared our gratitudes with each other, EVERY DAY, without fail! She lives in North Carolina and I live in Phoenix, so the time difference and our personal agendas can be a challenge, but it's become a way of life for us.I can't imagine my life without it.She also came to visit for a weekend. This is a person I went for years without even contacting!!! YOU and The MAGIC have changed my life! I am so full of love, joy and peace that I can't possibly begin to explain how it has healed every aspect of my life. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Rhonda Byrne. Namaste!About The Divine Goddess Dvorah from Phoenix, AZ:I am, in this incarnation, a female, adopted, married and divorced x4. A mother and grandmother, presently employed as an RN in trauma surgery, but have done and been too many things to even attempt to list.Read Stories About ...Art (319) Business (739) Education (1375) Environment (439) Faith (3282) Family (1598) Finances (3025) Friends (848) Future (1525) Giving (478) Goals (2250) Gratitude (4459) Health (1248)