Was it normal? Spock could not say. What was normal for a full blooded Vulcan was not necessarily normal for him. He knew that he had not experienced this with T'Pring, but he could not use his previous experience as a basis for comparison. There were too many variables.
"As I have never heard of a situation similar to this, I cannot say whether this is normal."
He was, however, fairly certain that this was not normal. His current hypothesis was that it was the fact that Leonard had not yet acknowledged their bond that was the source of his current distraction. If Leonard had only accepted him, rather than reject everything that happened, his absence would not be a source of such worry.
As it was, there were too many scenarios in which Leonard did not return that caused Spock so much concern. He might be injured on the planet. He might finally convince Admiral Pike or Boyce to accept his resignation. He might simply desert and run away with his daughter. The bottom line was that Spock had no guarantee that Leonard would come back to him, and he was worried at what the human might do.
"Have you heard from him, since he left?"
"I received a message from him that he arrived safely."
That message, along with the second one he received that night, was the extent of Leonard's communication. It seemed that Leonard would not be any more communicative, now that he was at a distance.
"I understand that he does communicate frequently with Lieutenant Uhura. She would inform me if there was anything wrong."
It stung (not that he would ever admit it), that his husband preferred speaking with his ex-girlfriend than with him. He had known it would be this way, but that didn't mean he was unaffected by it.
"Maybe you should send him a message. Or call him. They're on an hour behind us, and the kids go to bed at nine their time, right? You could call him once the kids are in bed."
"I do not believe he would welcome a call from me, Jim."
His decision made, he moved his piece on the board, and the men fell silent for several minutes as the game began in earnest. When Jim spoke again, he spoke about ship matters, and what progress the science department was making in its study of the asteroid belt. Leonard was not mentioned again that evening. Spock did not wish to discuss his failing relationship with his bond mate, and Jim knew he'd already made enough of a suggestion for Spock to consider.