Summary: aim through experiments with human chromosome banding techniques, understanding of human chromosome g-banding analysis method and analysis of sister chromatid color principles and methods, through sister chromatid exchanges (sister chromatid exchange, SCE) specimen observation, master SCE counting methods. Methods in human chromosomes in the study of genetic diseases, we can by trypsin digestion, Giemsa dye dyeing methods of chromosome banding. This study by chromosome g-banding technique for specimens. Meanwhile, the experiment through the BrdU-Giemsa method, the chromosome is UV light irradiation, with the 2xSSC solution and Giemsa staining solution, our SCE observation of chromosome counts. Resulting sister chromatids colour difference results display, visible chromatic aberration phenomenon in a part of the chromosome and chromatid, chromatid exchange frequency is not high at 30 of sister chromatid exchange in human peripheral blood lymphocytes average was 1.57.Key words: chromosome; human peripheral blood lymphocytes; g-banding staining techniques; sister chromatids distinguish staining