How I am amazed at these people, when they work, and nothing makers are not the feet have been set aside and only coffee drinking to spend time in the case of due diligence is not done and only pay today remember that the work, when
the customer's interests despised, and at the end, such a person from the left to live in the full sense of the word left to live !!!!!!!!!! And the activities that will take pride and ambition and that will have to post the following statuses "We meet our deadlines for customers" "Our goal is customer satisfaction," and so on. Sh. Such nonsense to have that fancy page, very funny, funny and with pity, I have only one question, what you were doing before ???????? :-)))))))) (Steal the customer's ideas and why you get fired from the job and from daupatentet order
to claim that you are an important client ????? :-))))
I agree the time is important, but it depends on how handle gundzetsaa timely supply of products to the customer. So before you say anything out loud, you should look in their own back yet.