Do you ever hear yourself think,"It doesn't matter"? I have come to understand that I think this way.It
may be because I think I should do something,and I can also accept that it is unimportant.Sometimes I see negative things going on around me and think it doesn't matter.As I started working on changing this in
myself,I came up with something that really works for me.
Not everything can intensely matter to us,or we will drive ourselves mad with concern and worry.
However,because procrastination(拖延)causes so many troubles in our lives,we can benefit from one
simple question.
When I think I should do something that perhaps I don't really feel like doing,I may think it doesn't
matter right now.Say,for example,that you think that you need to have your roof repaired.Then you think I should call someone and have it fixed.There may be many reasons or excuses and mixed emotions behind
the thought.Whatever you feel,you can convince yourself or accept that it doesn't matter.Ask yourself this question,"When will it matter?"After you answer this question,you may become motivated(受鼓舞的)to
take the necessary steps.By asking and answering,this question can actually make you least resistant to
accomplish what you want.
I think that everything matters in life;some things just matter less than other things.Saying "It doesn't
matter"or"I don't care"is a lie.If something is bothering you,it is because it matters to you.Therefore,the next time you think something doesn't matter,try the followup question.Perhaps the thing matters to you because you can see the consequence of ignoring it.Maybe by using the followup question you will see that it
"matters" to you now,and avoiding the issue is unlikely to make it matter less.
Taking action toward what matters to you is what makes the difference in your life.You have your
reasons for saying"It doesn't matter"and asking when it will matter can help.I hope this suggestion will help you as much as it has helped me.