A detailed ultrasound examination of the fetus was done today. Examination of CNS, fetal profile, face and lips, fetal heart, thorax, gastric bubble, liver, kidneys, diaphragm, 4 limbs revealed no abnormality. The fetus was in cephalic presentation. The umbilical cord consists of 2A1V. The placenta was in posterior position, not low-lying. Amniotic fluid volume was nomal. Soft markers of downs Syndrome were not detected during the examination and they included nuchal fold thickness, real pelvis size, femur length, echogenic bowel, choroid plexus cyst, duodenal atresia, clinodactyly and sandal gap. Nasal bone appeared normal, measured 5.2 mm long(normal>2.5mm). This findings suggest low risk Downs Syndrome. Conclusion: This is a single viable fetus of 19+4 weeks, male phenotype. There is no gross structural abnormality detectd. Liquor volume is normal; placenta is posterior in location and not lowlying. Resolution of scan largely limited by her habitus.