n a gourmet bar nearby (unfortunately the owner and all the personnel have changed years ago) the beautiful service girls had an unwritten agreement; that they have to serve drinks and talk to the guests without taking a break in their shift. Very often they had a lot of drinks from about 7pm when the bar filled with people till about 6 am. It was fantastic to see the girls, who must have had an extremely overfilled bladder for a lot of the time, able to go on without showing it.
One of these girls, Susan, had more to drink that any evening before. I don't know if some of the guests wanted to test her or if they were just inspired by seeing her drinking with other guests. But she had to drink between two and four glasses of wine mixed with mineral water with each guest-- and she normally was serving between 8-10 guests! To my calculations, she must have drank around 5 liters that evening. Everybody wanted her to say cheers and talk with them. She was a very slim and beautiful girl of about 20 years of age and did not know how to control the - for her - horrible situation. She had a very short and elastic miniskirt and 4" high heels. After a while she started to drink pots of coffee, because she was afraid of getting drunk. I could see her laughing and smiling at the people, drinking and making jokes. To get the money from the guests for their drinks, she had to get onto her absolute tiptoes to reach over the bar, because she was just about 1.60 meters tall in heels. She had to squat down very often as well, because some of the bottles were on a low shelf. She did it with spread legs so as not to press her tights into her stomach. At about 2 am she could not hide her stress any longer. She had a bulge that went from her pubic bone up to far over her navel stretching out her normally flat abdomen.The bulge was sticking out at least 6 cm from her flat tummy, and it had a visible vertical expansion of 20 cm. At a quarter past 2, she dashed out of the bar in a very big hurry and disappeared to the toilets. She had managed to look happy and beautiful until seconds before. When she came back, her bladder was still a bit swollen looking, so I believe she did not take the time to empty herself completely, cutting off the stream when she got back some control over her bladder. As everybody knows it is very hard to hold it after you cut it off in the midst of peeing. I think she had a hard time after that, having not completely emptied her exploding bladder. Normal people would not even hold the amount of pee she had contained in her tortured, overstrained and aching bladder. She did it after having held much more than her "normal" limit, then cut off the stream at a stage that was not completely empty. After this she held it for the rest of her shift, drinking again. As you know, after drinking alcohol the bladder refills in a short time without having to drink more.
One of the other girls there, Carmen, told me once, when I asked her, how she could manage such a long time with all the drinks and no toilet. She told me that she had done before and tried to forget about it. She said she had as much pain as every other person in this situation, but refused to acknowledge it. If the bar was overcrowded as normal, it was nearly possible to ignore the distress of working with a full bladder. But when the guests left at about 6 pm she had a huge problem trying to keep her totally overstrained bladder under control. All the pain came over her at once, but she had to stay and help out without showing any sign of her desperation, holding back masses of water until the last guest had gone out of the bar. She had a trip home of more than an hour on the underground and usually after the first short piss after finishing work; that was where the need would always return. Especially in winter, it was a real problem, wearing her short skirt coupled with the cold. When her bladder refilled on the way home, it was much harder to control, as her muscles
n a gourmet bar nearby (unfortunately the owner and all the personnel have changed years ago) the beautiful service girls had an unwritten agreement; that they have to serve drinks and talk to the guests without taking a break in their shift. Very often they had a lot of drinks from about 7pm when the bar filled with people till about 6 am. It was fantastic to see the girls, who must have had an extremely overfilled bladder for a lot of the time, able to go on without showing it.One of these girls, Susan, had more to drink that any evening before. I don't know if some of the guests wanted to test her or if they were just inspired by seeing her drinking with other guests. But she had to drink between two and four glasses of wine mixed with mineral water with each guest-- and she normally was serving between 8-10 guests! To my calculations, she must have drank around 5 liters that evening. Everybody wanted her to say cheers and talk with them. She was a very slim and beautiful girl of about 20 years of age and did not know how to control the - for her - horrible situation. She had a very short and elastic miniskirt and 4" high heels. After a while she started to drink pots of coffee, because she was afraid of getting drunk. I could see her laughing and smiling at the people, drinking and making jokes. To get the money from the guests for their drinks, she had to get onto her absolute tiptoes to reach over the bar, because she was just about 1.60 meters tall in heels. She had to squat down very often as well, because some of the bottles were on a low shelf. She did it with spread legs so as not to press her tights into her stomach. At about 2 am she could not hide her stress any longer. She had a bulge that went from her pubic bone up to far over her navel stretching out her normally flat abdomen.The bulge was sticking out at least 6 cm from her flat tummy, and it had a visible vertical expansion of 20 cm. At a quarter past 2, she dashed out of the bar in a very big hurry and disappeared to the toilets. She had managed to look happy and beautiful until seconds before. When she came back, her bladder was still a bit swollen looking, so I believe she did not take the time to empty herself completely, cutting off the stream when she got back some control over her bladder. As everybody knows it is very hard to hold it after you cut it off in the midst of peeing. I think she had a hard time after that, having not completely emptied her exploding bladder. Normal people would not even hold the amount of pee she had contained in her tortured, overstrained and aching bladder. She did it after having held much more than her "normal" limit, then cut off the stream at a stage that was not completely empty. After this she held it for the rest of her shift, drinking again. As you know, after drinking alcohol the bladder refills in a short time without having to drink more.One of the other girls there, Carmen, told me once, when I asked her, how she could manage such a long time with all the drinks and no toilet. She told me that she had done before and tried to forget about it. She said she had as much pain as every other person in this situation, but refused to acknowledge it. If the bar was overcrowded as normal, it was nearly possible to ignore the distress of working with a full bladder. But when the guests left at about 6 pm she had a huge problem trying to keep her totally overstrained bladder under control. All the pain came over her at once, but she had to stay and help out without showing any sign of her desperation, holding back masses of water until the last guest had gone out of the bar. She had a trip home of more than an hour on the underground and usually after the first short piss after finishing work; that was where the need would always return. Especially in winter, it was a real problem, wearing her short skirt coupled with the cold. When her bladder refilled on the way home, it was much harder to control, as her muscles