Regardless of the issues presented in this paper, the underlying technology for UAVs is developing rapidly and legislation on its use is coming into place. The reliability and convergence of technologies (i.e. convergence of ground stations, sensors and aircraft technology) is improving, making UAVs safer and of higher endurance (better batteries, motor, lighter weight and power management). The addition of vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) and collision avoidance system are providing additional functionality, as well as increased automation of the systems. Advances in the accuracy of GPS systems will also increase drone safety, as well as image geometric fidelity (Chiang et al., 2015).Sensor technology is also moving rapidly, increasingly becoming smaller and more accessible (both in costs and function). Beyond simple cameras, we are gradually seeing UAVs carrying Hyperspectral sensors (Aasen et al., 2015), LiDAR systems (Guo et al., 2017) and more elaborate sensor systems such as radio waves (Chen and Ho, 2016), Radar (Gromek et al., 2016) and even electronic noses which can ‘sniff’ the air for chemicals signals (e.g. particulates and pheromones.) (Pobkrut et al., 2016). In addition, we have more environmental sensors which allow light, radiation, sound, temperatures and humidity to be measured. Gravity and magnetic fields can also be logged giving an insight into the soil and geology of the environment (Anderson and Pita, 2005).Finally, with the addition of automation, where the UAV is controlled by its on-broad computer (using all of its sensors), UAVs have the potential for moving from sensing the environment to interacting with the environment. Recent examples have been proposed for tree and seed planting, pest detecting and eradication, and the collection of plant specimens from remote or dangerous areas (Bergerman et al., 2016). The next generation of UAVs offer enormous potential for plant conservation, but will require to have adequate and flexible legislation in place.