Changes in the physicochemical properties of organic aciditofu corresponded with different microstructures (Lee &Kuo, 2011; Wang et al., 2017). Scanning electron micrographs oftofu coagulated with organic acids are presented in Fig. 7. Ahoneycomb-like structure with varying size of pores were observedin tofu prepared with various organic acids at different concentrations.The surface charge of soy protein were screened graduallyby protons, the hydrophobic interactions among proteins werefavored, resulting in the filamentous and porous network (Lee &Kuo, 2011; Liu et al., 2013). Tofu prepared with lower coagulantconcentrations (0.12e0.14 g/100 mL) exhibited with denserhoneycomb-like topography than that prepared with higher acidcoagulant concentrations (0.16e0.18 g/100 mL). In addition, tofuprepared with GDL exhibited a firmer structure with small pores, inaccordance with its higher springiness and hardness