As stated in their preface the authors of this book are committed ‘‘to continue the
creativity, rigor, and design aspects of facilities planning while rejecting cookbook and
checklist approaches’’. As facilities, especially aspects like quality and quantity of
resources, layout and material flow, etc. play a decisive role for the competitiveness of
enterprises in nearly all industries the importance of the book’s topic is without question.
In the book’s 4th edition the authors position the topic of facilities planning in a strategic
perspective with a special focus on the role of a facility in a supply chain. Consequently the
whole planning process is built on the criteria of supply chain excellence which fully meets
the requirements of present day networked and globalised world.
The book is composed of five main parts. In the first part – defining requirements – the
authors give some useful definitions and discuss the significance of facilities planning.
They then introduce a systematic planning process which provides the basis for the
following explanations. This is followed by chapters about product, process and schedule
design, flow systems, activity relationships, space and personnel requirements. Here the
book introduces a lot of useful methods like QFD, Pareto analysis and several
management and planning tools. The second part – concepts and techniques for
developing alternatives – focuses on material handling and layout planning. That part
contains a comprehensive view on the different aspects (objectives, principles, systems,
equipment, cost, safety, methods, algorithms and tools) of the two topics. Part three is
about facility design for various functions. According to the necessary functions that can
be found in almost any industry the text gives insight into warehouse operations (including
shipping and receiving, picking, storage), manufacturing systems and facilities systems.
Especially this part, with its explanations about structural systems, enclosures, atmospheric,
electrical, lighting and safety systems, sanitation and building automation, rounds
out the holistic view on and the knowledge about facilities planning. In part four the
authors present several quantitative approaches, especially for location problems, machine
layout design, storage models, picking systems, material handling and waiting lines. Part
five is about evaluating, selecting, preparing, presenting, implementing and maintaining
facilities. This part of the book provides a very extensive collection of tools and techniques
for the evaluation of different alternatives and also gives an overview about different
approaches for documentation (including 2D and 3D models etc.).
The strengths of the book are the clear focus on excellence models and the systematic
process which is based on engineering design. The readership is provided with a huge
amount of examples and practical problems which help to understand the theoretical
and methodical explanations. The authors introduce many practical tools and techniques
supplemented with cues for their application, whereas they avoid the typical
As stated in their preface the authors of this book are committed ‘‘to continue the
creativity, rigor, and design aspects of facilities planning while rejecting cookbook and
checklist approaches’’. As facilities, especially aspects like quality and quantity of
resources, layout and material flow, etc. play a decisive role for the competitiveness of
enterprises in nearly all industries the importance of the book’s topic is without question.
In the book’s 4th edition the authors position the topic of facilities planning in a strategic
perspective with a special focus on the role of a facility in a supply chain. Consequently the
whole planning process is built on the criteria of supply chain excellence which fully meets
the requirements of present day networked and globalised world.
The book is composed of five main parts. In the first part – defining requirements – the
authors give some useful definitions and discuss the significance of facilities planning.
They then introduce a systematic planning process which provides the basis for the
following explanations. This is followed by chapters about product, process and schedule
design, flow systems, activity relationships, space and personnel requirements. Here the
book introduces a lot of useful methods like QFD, Pareto analysis and several
management and planning tools. The second part – concepts and techniques for
developing alternatives – focuses on material handling and layout planning. That part
contains a comprehensive view on the different aspects (objectives, principles, systems,
equipment, cost, safety, methods, algorithms and tools) of the two topics. Part three is
about facility design for various functions. According to the necessary functions that can
be found in almost any industry the text gives insight into warehouse operations (including
shipping and receiving, picking, storage), manufacturing systems and facilities systems.
Especially this part, with its explanations about structural systems, enclosures, atmospheric,
electrical, lighting and safety systems, sanitation and building automation, rounds
out the holistic view on and the knowledge about facilities planning. In part four the
authors present several quantitative approaches, especially for location problems, machine
layout design, storage models, picking systems, material handling and waiting lines. Part
five is about evaluating, selecting, preparing, presenting, implementing and maintaining
facilities. This part of the book provides a very extensive collection of tools and techniques
for the evaluation of different alternatives and also gives an overview about different
approaches for documentation (including 2D and 3D models etc.).
The strengths of the book are the clear focus on excellence models and the systematic
process which is based on engineering design. The readership is provided with a huge
amount of examples and practical problems which help to understand the theoretical
and methodical explanations. The authors introduce many practical tools and techniques
supplemented with cues for their application, whereas they avoid the typical