Dear ARIC,
Thanks for your update.
Unfortunately there is still a lot of mistakes and unresolved items in these drawings!
Just to pick a few of them:
1)You have not considered or allowed for any internal or external floor finish in your sections – all door stand directly on the concrete slab.
2) there is no indication how you plan to resolve the rainwater drainage from the fire corridors. At the Podium screen façade you actually show a 100mm tall concrete hob underneath the glass balustrade (which I previously asked to be replaced with a steel wire balustrade – ventilation opening / cleaning of glass balustrade from the screen side). With that hob and any missing corresponding hob to the inside you will actually flood the Retail area during a storm.
3) the arrangement of ventilation openings still looks like a pizza and needs to be cleaned up and hidden.
The drawings are still reflecting an early Design Development level of detail. What I am missing is for someone to integrate the actual details – what is not drawn is also not considered.
I have attached again my previous response for your continued action.
Thanks kindly,