Apart from changes to the structure of the graph, the caption is also different. The new caption contains 71 words and references in the main text are substantially reduced – from the methods and data section of about 2.5 pages to two paragraphs in the book. The caption of the original graph in the journal refers the reader back to the original text. The reader of the journal article is thus sent from the main text, to the graph, and then explicitly back to a descriptive feature in the main text readers of scientific texts are given little choice what they are to interpret (Bastide, 1990). Such “guidance” for arriving at a specific interpretation does not exist in the textbook version of the graph.We noted that many of these alterations in the physical presentation of the graph are similar to other practices by means of which ecologicalphenomena are lessened in complexity in high school textbook inscriptions. The results from the graph interpretation sessions described above provided some insights into the effect of the transformations enacted when transferring the graph from the journal article to an educational context.