There will be a boost to your expenditure this week and you’ll be lavishing good times and gifts on either yourself or your loved ones, but there would be very few Lions out there not enjoying life to the max.
There is a newfound confidence in your business and commercial activities and you’ll see positive developments in this area and more money inbound in the form of new contracts, business expansion, and good news in general relating to your professional and business world.
Plus the Sun is now also in Jupiter so you have a raft of planets lining up to deliver the goods, and you’ll be feeling confident, revived and enthusiastic about life in general. It will be hard to say no to yourself or to anyone and self indulgence is your key theme – even narcissism – but as you’ll be looking and feelings so great, why not.
That’s not to say this week will be all smooth sailing and something on the weekend can bring you up short or be a “surprise” (or a shock) but you have more resources than your zodiac siblings at your disposal so it should be a mere blimp on your otherwise glorious horizon.
However watch your ego on Sunday and don’t push for attention or delve too far into a “fantasy” world unless it’s a healthy and fun fantasy.
For quite a few Leo’s something that occurs on the weekend when Mars trines Chiron will heal an old pain, or a wounded heart and you can finally move on or let go.