00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:16,920
the next chillin talk about its history
brush and a fun History Brush really
00:00:16,920 --> 00:00:20,230
cool for just cleaning up little areas
so you might have been too heavy-handed
00:00:20,230 --> 00:00:26,710
on so I'm just going to select the
History Brush and I'm just going to go
00:00:26,710 --> 00:00:34,239
up and look at my settings of my History
Brush capacities a hundred percent close
00:00:34,239 --> 00:00:38,920
nine percent and only run that might be
up more and about the sort of 20% area
00:00:38,920 --> 00:00:44,350
that's about the only things are do with
that and then I need to go into my
00:00:44,350 --> 00:00:48,520
history and make sure my history is
gonna go back to a point that I want to
00:00:48,520 --> 00:00:53,719
bring in their history so far brought it
back to put my history brush here it's
00:00:53,719 --> 00:00:57,969
only gonna bring back one step of my
history but what I want to do is under
00:00:57,969 --> 00:01:04,010
under all my daughter burning know one
thing with the History Brush it will not
00:01:04,010 --> 00:01:09,670
go back before crop so once you company
meet you cannot go back before the crop
00:01:09,670 --> 00:01:14,810
with your history rush so with the
History Brush reason only use it is when
00:01:14,810 --> 00:01:20,570
I don't let them burn I broke up the
edge of a here very badly by using the
00:01:20,570 --> 00:01:27,189
History Brush I can now point in the
history of the original image just on
00:01:27,189 --> 00:01:36,070
that here to bring let detail back in on
that here and just get them nicely this
00:01:36,070 --> 00:01:40,689
seeming so I'm looking at two different
ways in which could be used for a web
00:01:40,689 --> 00:01:49,750
image but also might be used as an
entire image for window of my behavior
00:01:49,750 --> 00:01:53,060
through a beautician so I'm just going
to bring back a little bit of that
00:01:53,060 --> 00:01:58,060
broken up detail just on the edge of the
hair which would look very messy on
00:01:58,060 --> 00:02:02,530
something very big very much happy with
the whole way round
00:02:02,530 --> 00:02:06,530
just going to check on the other side
you see the texture of the wall has come
00:02:06,530 --> 00:02:12,700
back in I'm just gonna leave that at the
moment just come down bring back that
00:02:12,700 --> 00:02:19,920
nice to talk back on that page here that
the gym burn tool just took away any
00:02:19,920 --> 00:02:24,730
claim that we going this close I could
jump back onto my dog until just don't
00:02:24,730 --> 00:02:30,130
dodge and just clean up that wall a
little bit and just be a little bit more
00:02:30,130 --> 00:02:36,750
careful not destroy the edge of the hair
touch and that's the way I can just come
00:02:36,750 --> 00:02:53,350
in and she is fine touch up there's also
a little spot we didn't get before
00:02:53,350 --> 00:02:58,990
so now I finish my dodging and burning
often claimed up that rough edges the
00:02:58,990 --> 00:03:06,100
wall and brought ahead detail back in
I'm just gonna run just for the fact
00:03:06,100 --> 00:03:09,780
that this was going to be blown up big
as one checked unhappy with the size of
00:03:09,780 --> 00:03:17,220
it and that's looking really good now so
now I'm gonna show you the difference
00:03:17,220 --> 00:03:19,230
between hill and clone tool
100:00:00,000--> 00:00:16,920它的历史下一 chillin 谈画笔和一个有趣的历史真的刷200:00:16,920--> 00:00:20,230很酷的只清理小领域所以你可能已经过于严厉300:00:20,230--> 00:00:26,710对所以我只要去选择历史记录画笔和我只要去400:00:26,710--> 00:00:34,239起来,看看我设置我的历史刷能力接近百分百500:00:34,239--> 00:00:38,9209%和可能的唯一运行更多和怎样的 20%的面积600:00:38,920--> 00:00:44,350这就是唯一的事情是跟这和需要进入我700:00:44,350--> 00:00:48,520历史上,并确保我的历史是要回到我想要一点800:00:48,520--> 00:00:53,719带他们到目前为止带来了它的历史中回去把我的历史记录画笔在这里它是900:00:53,719--> 00:00:57,969只想带回一步的我历史,而是想做什么是下1000:00:57,969--> 00:01:04,010根据燃烧我女儿都知道一历史记录画笔不会的东西1100:01:04,010--> 00:01:09,670去回到前作物所以一旦您的公司遇见你之前的作物不能回去1200:01:09,670--> 00:01:14,810与你的历史高峰,历史记录画笔的原因只是使用它时1300:01:14,810--> 00:01:20,570我不会让他们烧伤我分手了这里非常严重利用边缘1400:01:20,570 --> 00:01:27,189History Brush I can now point in thehistory of the original image just on1500:01:27,189 --> 00:01:36,070that here to bring let detail back in onthat here and just get them nicely this1600:01:36,070 --> 00:01:40,689seeming so I'm looking at two differentways in which could be used for a web1700:01:40,689 --> 00:01:49,750image but also might be used as anentire image for window of my behavior1800:01:49,750 --> 00:01:53,060through a beautician so I'm just goingto bring back a little bit of that1900:01:53,060 --> 00:01:58,060broken up detail just on the edge of thehair which would look very messy on2000:01:58,060 --> 00:02:02,530something very big very much happy withthe whole way round2100:02:02,530 --> 00:02:06,530just going to check on the other sideyou see the texture of the wall has come2200:02:06,530 --> 00:02:12,700back in I'm just gonna leave that at themoment just come down bring back that2300:02:12,700 --> 00:02:19,920nice to talk back on that page here thatthe gym burn tool just took away any2400:02:19,920 --> 00:02:24,730claim that we going this close I couldjump back onto my dog until just don't2500:02:24,730 --> 00:02:30,130dodge and just clean up that wall alittle bit and just be a little bit more2600:02:30,130 --> 00:02:36,750careful not destroy the edge of the hairtouch and that's the way I can just come2700:02:36,750 --> 00:02:53,350in and she is fine touch up there's alsoa little spot we didn't get before2800:02:53,350 --> 00:02:58,990so now I finish my dodging and burningoften claimed up that rough edges the2900:02:58,990 --> 00:03:06,100wall and brought ahead detail back inI'm just gonna run just for the fact3000:03:06,100 --> 00:03:09,780that this was going to be blown up bigas one checked unhappy with the size of3100:03:09,780 --> 00:03:17,220it and that's looking really good now sonow I'm gonna show you the difference3200:03:17,220 --> 00:03:19,230between hill and clone tool