

人生を決定づける根幹的なところに変化がある。あなたの20年は、6番目のハウスがつかさどる人生のこの部分にひじょうに重きが置かれます。これは、20年を通じてこのハウス、すなわち山羊座に3つの有力な惑星(土星、木星、冥王星)が入っているからです。さらに、山羊座と蟹座で3つのエクリプス(食)があり、あなたのチャートの同じ領域を強調します。エクリプスはあなたの人生のこの領域に起きる変化の前触れです。ですから20年が静かな年で終わることはないでしょう。ほぼ3年間におよぶ土星の6番目のハウス滞在のスタートは、18年の直前である17年12月20日のことでした。現在あなたはすでに、土星が目標達成のためにどれだけ全身全霊で打ち込むことを求めるかわかっています。土星があなたの6番目のハウスにとどまるのはあと1年ほど、20年の大部分です(全部ではありません)。土星はあなたの仕事のやり方に、もっとよい、もっと効率的な方法はないか見直すよう求めてきました。土星が重視するのはしくみです。今年こそ、よりよい新しいしくみを作りあげるのです。 以下は、とっかかりとしてあなたが自分に問うてみるべき質問です。専門分野の最新技術を身につけられるようセミナーやコースを受講することは、現状打破への足がかりとなるか。新たなソフトウェアへの投資、あるいは、最新式のコンピュータやその他の機器の購入は必要か。新たにスタッフを雇い入れるべきか。顧客と直接、会うために出向くことは売上アップにつながるか。広告、宣伝、ソーシャルメディアキャンペーンは反響や成功につながるか。会社のウェブサイトのリニューアルは必要か。 土星が仕事の割りあてをつかさどる6番目のハウスを訪れているときに困るのが、人材確保が難しくなることです。見つかる人材は高価すぎるか、必要な能力を備えていないかのいずれかになりがちです。まあ、人から言われずともとっくにご承知でしょうが。なにしろ、すでに2年間も土星と付き合っているのですから。厳しい師たる土星がこのハウスに入っているとき、採用活動は遅々として進みませんから、ふさわしい候補者を見つけるのには長い時間がかかるのが普通です。そうした問題を防ぐためには、実際に人を雇う準備が整う前から早めに履歴書を集めておくのがいいでしょう。 土星は20年12月17日に仕事の割りあてをつかさどる6番目のハウスから出ていきますが、3月22日から7月2日にかけて、水瓶座を運行する際にも一時的に6番目のハウスから離れます。なお、土星が次に山羊座に戻ってくるのは2047年1月になります。 土星は29年がかりで太陽のまわりを1周し、訪れるハウスにおよそ3年間滞在します。前回、あなたが土星を迎えた場所も、いまあなたが土星を迎えているのと同じ山羊座であり、それは88年2月から91年2月にかけてのことでした。 冥王星があなたの日常の仕事の領域(6番目のハウス)に入ったのは08年のことであり、そこ、つまり山羊座に2024年までとどまります。冥王星は訪れるすべてのハウスを変化させます。この惑星は物事の基礎をつかさどることで知られていますから、あなたが自らの専門分野において基礎から経験を積むのを手伝ってくれているのです。すでに土星や冥王星と付き合ってきたあなたによい知らせです。木星が仕事の割りあてをつかさどるあなたの6番目のハウスにやってきて1年間そこにとどまり、金銭的にもいい顧客、面白い仕事、望ましい働き手を次々と連れてきてくれます。これまであなたは仕事をやり遂げ、発送するのに人手不足で四苦八苦していたかもしれません。設備投資をするとなったときにも、かつては資金提供先を探すのに苦労していたかもしれませんが、木星という後ろ盾を得たいまなら事業発展のために必要な資金を手に入れることができるでしょう。ほんとうに、20年はあなたにとって新しいビジネスの当たり年になりますし、この2年間、土星からの指導に耐えてきたかいあって、その経験がものを言いはじめるでしょう。もしあなたがフリーランスや個人事業主なら、こなしきれないほどの仕事が舞い込むかもしれませんが(職場にせよ家にせよ)、新しいスタッフを雇うことができるでしょうし、その人たちがすばらしい人材であることがわかるでしょう。幸運と恵みの星である木星という味方を得たいま、あらゆることがこれまでよりスムーズに運ぶはずです。
原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
There is a change in the fundamental specific place that determine the life. <br><br>Your 20 years, you Hijoni emphasis is placed in this part of life that governs the sixth house. This is the house through the 20 years, that is, three of the leading planet in Capricorn (Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto) because is on. In addition, in Capricorn and Cancer There are three Eclipse (food), to emphasize the same area of your chart. Eclipse is a harbinger of the change that occurs in this area of your life. So 20 years will never end with a quiet year. <br><br>The start of the sixth house stay of Saturn spanning almost three years, was that of 17-year December 20, is the immediately preceding 18 years. You are currently already, we know or seek to Saturn is implanted in how much body and soul to achieve the target. Saturn's remains in your sixth house is about a year later, is a large part of 20 years (but not all). Saturn is the way of your work, we have more good, I asked to review whether there is no more efficient way. Saturn is to focus on is how it works. Only this year, it makes up the better new mechanism. <br><br>The following is a question you should have try to ask yourself as it take take. To attend the seminars and courses to be wearing the latest technology areas of expertise, become a stepping stone to the status quo or. Investment in new software, or, or the purchase of state-of-the-art computers and other equipment necessary. Newly you should hire the staff. Directly with the customer, or that go to meet leads to sales up. Advertising, publicity, or social media campaign leads to reflections and success. Or company of the renewal of the web site is necessary.<br><br>Saturn that is in trouble when you are visiting the sixth house that controls the split addressed to the work, is to secure human resources is difficult. Found or human resources is too expensive, they tend to be either not equipped with the necessary capacity. Well, would you know a long time ago without being told from the people. After all, are we also going out with Saturn already two years. When a severe teacher serving as Saturn has entered this house, hiring is because you do not proceed as been slow, takes a long time for it is usually to find a suitable candidate. In order to prevent such a problem, it would be a good idea to collect the resume as soon as possible before the actual ready to hire a person. <br><br>Saturn is we are out of the 6 th house that controls the split addressed of work in 20 years on December 17, to July 2 days from March 22, temporarily sixth even when that runs the Aquarius you away from the house. In addition, the Saturn come then back to the Capricorn will be in January 2047. <br><br>Saturn is one lap around the sun in Gakari 29 years, will stay in the house to visit about three years. The last time, even where you reached the Saturn, is the same Capricorn and now you're facing a Saturn, it was that of to February 91 from February 1988. <br><br>Pluto is at is that of 08 years was entered into the area of your day-to-day work (sixth house), there, in other words remains in Capricorn until 2024. Pluto will not change all of the house to visit. This planet is because it has been known to govern the foundation of things, do you have helped me gain experience from the foundation in their own areas of expertise.<br><br>Are you the good news that has already been going out with Saturn and Pluto. Jupiter is stay there for one year came to your sixth house, which governs the assignment addressed to work, monetary to also good customers, interesting work, you me bring one after another desirable workers. This until you carry out his task, it might have been struggling with labor shortages to dispatch. When it is to the capital investment, the past, might have been struggling to find funding destination, to get the necessary funds for business development if now obtained the backing of Jupiter it'll be. <br><br>Really, 20 years, then you become a banner year of new business for you, the last two years, there paddle have endured to guidance from Saturn, will the experience starts to say things. If you are a freelance or sole proprietors, might Maikomu work to the extent not be doing (whether home Whether in the workplace), to will be able to hire new staff, the person who is a great talent that you will see is. Now that obtained the ally that Jupiter is the star of good luck and grace, should everything carries smoothly than ever before.
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
There is a change in the fundamental stake that determines life.<br><br>Your 20 years will put a great weight on this part of your life where the sixth house holds. This is because the house, or Capricorn, has three powerful planets (Saturn, Jupiter, plutoon) for 20 years. In addition, there are three Eclipses in Capricorn and Scorpio, highlighting the same area of your chart. Eclipse is a precursor to the changes that occur in this area of your life. So twenty years will never end in a quiet year.<br><br>Saturn's sixth house stay for nearly three years began on December 20, 17, just before 18 years. Now you already know how much Saturn will require you to devote all your heart and soul to achieving your goals. Saturn stays in your sixth house for about a year, and most of the 20 years. Saturn has asked you to review the way you do your job to see if there is a better or more efficient way to do it. Saturn's emphasis is on how it works. This year, we're going to create a better new system.<br><br>Here are some questions you should ask yourself. Is taking seminars and courses a stepping stone to breaking through the current situation so that you can acquire the latest skills in your field of expertise? Do you need to invest in new software or buy state-of-the-art computers and other equipment? Should we hire new staff? Does going out to meet customers directly lead to sales increase? Will advertising, promotion, and social media campaigns lead to repercussions or success? Do you need to renew your company's website?<br><br>When Saturn is visiting the sixth house where he is assigned to work, the trouble is that it becomes difficult to secure human resources. The people you find can be either too expensive or not equipped with the necessary capabilities. Well, you've already known that people won't tell you. After all, I've been going out with Saturn for two years now. When Saturn, a tough teacher, enters this house, recruitment is slow and slow, so it usually takes a long time to find the right candidate. To prevent these problems, it's a good idea to gather your resume early before you're ready to actually hire people.<br><br>Saturn will leave the sixth house on December 17, 20, but from March 22 to July 2, it will temporarily leave the sixth house when operating Aquarius. Saturn will return to Capricorn next in January 2047.<br><br>Saturn takes 29 years to go around the sun and stay in the house he visits for about three years. The last place you welcomed Saturn was the same Capricorn that you are now welcoming Saturn, and that was between February 1988 and February 1991.<br><br>It was in 2008 that Pluto entered the area of your daily work (the sixth house), and it will remain there, capator, until 2024. Pluto changes every house that visits. This planet is known for keeping the foundation of things, so it helps you gain experience from the basics in your field of expertise.<br><br>It is good news for you who have already dated Saturn and Pluto. Jupiter comes to your sixth house, where he's assigned to his job, and stays there for a year, bringing good financial lying customers, interesting jobs, and desirable workers one after another. So far, you may have been struggling with labor shortages to get the job done and ship. When it came to capital investment, it may have been difficult to find a funding destination in the past, but now that you have the backof Jupiter, you will be able to get the funds you need for business development.<br><br>Indeed, 20 years will be a new business year for you, and you've endured saturn's guidance for the past two years, and that experience will begin to speak out. If you're a freelancer or sole proprietor, you might get more work than you can do (whether at work or at home), but you'll find that they're great people. Now that we have a friend, Jupiter, the star of good luck and grace, everything should go smoother than ever before.
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
There is a change in the root that determines life.<br>Your 20 years will be heavily weighed on this part of the sixth house. This is because there are three main planets (Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto) in Capricorn in 20 years. In addition, there are three eclipses (eclipses) in Capricorn and cancer, and highlight the same area of your chart. Eclipse is the harbinger of changes that occur in this area of your life. So 20 years will never end in a quiet year.<br>The start of Saturn's sixth house for almost three years was December 20, 17, just before 18 years. Now you already know how Saturn seeks to hit the whole body in order to achieve goals. Saturn is staying in your sixth house for a whole year or so (it's not all). Saturn has asked for a better and more efficient way to work in your work. The importance of Saturn is a fuss. This year will create a better new twist.<br>The following is the question you should ask yourself. Is it a step to break down the current situation? Is it necessary to invest in new software or purchase new computers and other equipment? Should you hire a staff newly? Going directly to meet customers can lead to sales? Can advertising, advertising and social media campaigns lead to revelation or success? Is the renewal of the company's website necessary?<br>When Saturn is visiting the sixth house, which is taking charge of work, it is difficult to secure human resources. Those who find themselves tend to be too expensive or have the necessary capacity. Well, you know that you will not be told. Because I already have two years with Saturn. When Saturn, a tough mentor, is in this house, the recruitment does not delay, so it's usually time to find suitable candidates. To prevent these problems, you should collect your resume early before you are ready to hire people.<br>Saturn comes out of the sixth house on December 17, which takes charge of work, but from 22 March to 2 July, it will temporarily leave the sixth house in the Aquarius. In January 2047, Saturn will return to Capricorn.<br>Saturn goes around the sun for 29 years and stays at the visit house for about three years. The last time you met Saturn was the same Capricorn where you were going to Saturn, from February 88 to February 91.<br>It was in 08 that Pluto entered the realm of your daily work (the sixth house), where you can stay in Capricorn until 2024. Pluto changes all houses to visit. Because this planet is known for the basics of things, you can help you experience the basics from your own expertise.<br>It is good news for you who have already accompanied Saturn and Pluto. Jupiter comes to your sixth house, which is responsible for your job assignment, stays there for a year, and brings you a lucrative customer, an interesting job and a desirable workload. You may have been struggling with the lack of manpower to carry out your work and ship. You may have struggled to look for a funding destination once you invest in capital, but you'll be able to get the necessary funds for the development of business with Jupiter.<br>Indeed, twenty years have become a new business for you, and for the last two years you have withstood the guidance from Saturn, and that experience will begin to speak. If you are a freelance or an individual business, you can engage in an unworkable job<br>
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