In the effort to enhance the educational outcomes with the quality performance, integration between adaptive technology and learning skills has emerged to transformonline learning as the trend and model in providing access on the resources and information [1], and collaborative learning with borderless space [2]. Encompassingpedagogical, social and technological elements as the design for implementation processes to offer some necessary benefits like flexibility, openness and access toresources in learning process [3], Modern Learning Environment (MLE) is consideredin supporting strengths-based instruction to add the value on the students’ learningexperiences and also create new relevance and connection beyond the schoolboundary [4]. It can be seen from the initiative of utilizing digital devices like tablets,smart phones, and laptop as the attempts to promote the practices with appropriateapproach on teaching and learning in higher education setting. This improvement is toensure that the learning process quality can be facilitated easily with online learningto enable getting resources and information available on the Internet [5]. In particular,promoting a range of pedagogical skills continuing integration with technologicaltools would lead to the development of learning environment that aligns betterinstruction in both student and teacher. In addition, making such modern part oflearning environment could provide learners with open and flexible direction tofacilitate traditional pedagogies to modern tools.However, the issue is that ability to combine and manage the depiction betweenformal and informal learning environment has challenges to keep in touch with thedevelopment of a robust, continuously improving the practice in higher learningteaching [6]. MLE emphasising the outside view and landscape has given such benefiton the learning process in a way that is required to pay particular attention to see thecurrent gap which may go further on. Since there has been lack of scholarly attentionto see in a comprehensive approach on MLE in the era of big data, this paper aims topropose a model for enhancing learning with innovative way by incorporating bigdata framework in utilizing various sources of information and knowledge in highereducation setting. In this study we designed to see how modern learning environmentcan engage with the current trend of big data era.