3.1 Total suspended solids (TSS)
All grass swale designs significantly removed TSS from stormwater runoff, both in terms of N-EMC (Table 2) and total mass (Table 3). With influent (HWY, HWY-CD) event mean concentrations ranging from 8 to 582 mg/L, mean TSS effluent concentrations were 7 and 9 mg/L for the No-FS and FS swales, respectively; mean effluent TSS EMCs were 19 and 52 mg/L for the No-FS-CD and FS-CD swales from an input range of 8e582 mg/L. Probability plots (Fig. 1a) further confirm the successful removal of TSS, with 50e60% of events completely infiltrated, and the remainder of events consistently below influent concentrations. TSS treatment efficiencies are within expected ranges when compared to previous studies which showed TSS reductions of 65e98% (Schueler, 1994), 85e87% (Barrett et al., 1998), 68% (Yu et al., 2001), 79e98% (Backstrom, 2003), and 48% (Barrett, 2005). Removal of suspended solids in the swale is attributable first to an initial capture of the highly concentrated “first flush” (Bertrand Krajewski et al.,1998; Sansalone and Cristina,2004; Bach et al., 2010) by infiltration and then to sedimentation and filtration on cethes wales begin to discharge. Atypical pollutograph (Fig. 2) clearly exhibits these treatment mechanism responses, infiltrating the characteristic first flush of TSS in the HWY runoff and then reducing TSS concentrations throughout the remainder of the storm event. This treatment pattern is further corroborated by the statistically significant reduction of both TSS mass and mean concentrations.
3.1 Total suspended solids (TSS)All grass swale designs significantly removed TSS from stormwater runoff, both in terms of N-EMC (Table 2) and total mass (Table 3). With influent (HWY, HWY-CD) event mean concentrations ranging from 8 to 582 mg/L, mean TSS effluent concentrations were 7 and 9 mg/L for the No-FS and FS swales, respectively; mean effluent TSS EMCs were 19 and 52 mg/L for the No-FS-CD and FS-CD swales from an input range of 8e582 mg/L. Probability plots (Fig. 1a) further confirm the successful removal of TSS, with 50e60% of events completely infiltrated, and the remainder of events consistently below influent concentrations. TSS treatment efficiencies are within expected ranges when compared to previous studies which showed TSS reductions of 65e98% (Schueler, 1994), 85e87% (Barrett et al., 1998), 68% (Yu et al., 2001), 79e98% (Backstrom, 2003), and 48% (Barrett, 2005). Removal of suspended solids in the swale is attributable first to an initial capture of the highly concentrated “first flush” (Bertrand Krajewski et al.,1998; Sansalone and Cristina,2004; Bach et al., 2010) by infiltration and then to sedimentation and filtration on cethes wales begin to discharge. Atypical pollutograph (Fig. 2) clearly exhibits these treatment mechanism responses, infiltrating the characteristic first flush of TSS in the HWY runoff and then reducing TSS concentrations throughout the remainder of the storm event. This treatment pattern is further corroborated by the statistically significant reduction of both TSS mass and mean concentrations.