Everything as entertain- ment Growing up in Trowbridge, south-west England, and going to school in Bath, Rob's recol- lections of his 1970s childhood sound uneventful. "There weren't a lot of distractions," he says, "and there was plenty of times that you could be bored." No epic fantasy TV se- ries to consume on the week- end, just the single Sunday TV film, or the odd trip to the cin- ema.The dreaded writing exercises at school morphed into surrepti- tious drawing excursions. B- movie cinema outings fuelled his imagination, and his grow- ing collection of 2000 AD and Action Comics were read and then copied. Faced with all this, Rob says that, "I began to see everything as entertainment." After school he studied illustra- tion in Brighton with thoughts of working on magazines, in the style of Ralph Steadman or Ray-