440. Radiat Res. 1983 Feb;93(2):254-61.
Uptake of carbon monoxide by C3H mice following X irradiation of lung only or
total-body irradiation with 60Co.
Rappaport DS, Niewoehner DE, Kim TH, Song CW, Levitt SH.
Carbon monoxide uptake (Vco) and ventilation rate (VR) of C3H mice were
determined at 14 weeks following either X irradiation of lungs only or total-body
irradiation with 60Co at different dose rates. Following localized X irradiation
of lung at 97 cGy/min there was a reduction in Vco, which was inversely related
to radiation dose, with a small reduction below control levels being detected at
7 Gy, the lowest dose tested. An increase in VR could be detected only at doses
of 11 Gy, or more. Another group of animals received 11.5 Gy total-body
irradiation at either 26.2 or 4.85 cGy/min followed by transplantation with
syngeneic bone marrow. Following total-body irradiation, Vco was significantly
reduced by about 37% at the higher dose rate and 23% at the lower dose rate. In
contrast, a trend toward elevated VR was detected only at the higher dose rate.
The results indicate that Vco is a sensitive indicator of radiation-induced lung
injury and that under the experimental conditions used Vco is a more sensitive
indicator of radiation-induced lung injury in C3H mice than VR.
PMID: 6337382 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]