Following Rose’s assessment, parent validation was sought through use of Sayler’s Things My Young Child Has Done questionnaire, which was completed by her father. The Sayler questionnaire consists of 15 items describing various research-based characteristics of young gifted children (e.g., uses advanced vocabulary, has an advanced sense of humor) that parents are required to rate on a scale of 0 (strongly disagree) to 10 (strongly agree). Space is provided for parents to record personal examples of each behavior. Rose’s father strongly agreed that Rose had quick and accurate recall of information, intense curiosity, and used advanced vocabulary. The only items on which he scored Rose lower than 7 out of 10 were early motor development, which he stated he was unsure about, and leadership abilities. He provided examples of Rose’s advanced development from early childhood including that she could already read and write many words and that these were mainly self- taught. The results of this questionnaire supported the child care center director’s nomination and the results of the PPVT-4. Rose’s parents both held PhDs and English was her first and only language.