The continuous changes in solid waste composition due to industrial evolution and social transformations require versatile energy conversion technologies for a better waste processing/neutralization with minimum pollutants emission. Once the main solution for waste to energy concept, the incineration – Rankine/Hirn thermodynamic cycle shares the energy sector with alternative processes such as pyrolysis and gasification. The shift towards air less technologies was sustained by the presence of major risk pollutants (dioxins and furans) and significant energy loss with nitrogen sensitive heat in the flue-gas [1]. Moreover, the last entry on the banned list, CO2, requires combustion alternative technologies for advanced reduction rate. The gasification, a relatively simple technology for coal conversion (IGCC) as well for homogenous solid wastes, encounters operation problems when applied to heterogeneous waste mixtures. The two main components in MSW as well as in a large range of solid wastes are the cellulose and plastic based products