Just imagine what you can do with all the knowledge you get from the One Academy – start trading tokens and you will see how profitable this opportunity really is.
Did you know that our newest members to One, get a special start-up bonus by reaching 5500 BV in personal sales during the first 30 days of your personal purchase of a product. This month is great for New Signups, and thanks to our One Plan, everyone is going to keep earning a great deal of money. The easiest way to help somebody to get started today, is to send them your sponsor link and give them a Gift Code to use for their first package.
Your sponsor link is:http://onecoin.eu/signup/cwwkb
To get a gift code you login to your back office and go to the order page and simply choose what type of gift code you want and follow the steps. Perhaps one of the best reasons for upgrading or purchasing a Tycoon Trader package, is to get your crypto-token portfolio split up to 2 times. This means an incredible amount of money, so get started and login to your back office now.
This is your free E-Book: The richest man of Babylon.
If there is anything you need to know we are happy to help you.
All the best, your OneTeam