Hallo, habe heute meine led Lampen bekommen, habe diese luftpolstertasche mit dem Inhalt geöffnet und festgestellt das mehrere Lampen kaputt sind und garnicht sicher in einer extra Verpackung verpackt waren. Was nun, bitte um eine Lösung.?
Hi, have today received my led lamps, have these open air cushion bag with the contents and found that several lamps are broken and not at all sure extra packaging were packed. What now, please order a solution.?
Hello, got my LED lamps today have open and found the more lamps are broken and were not at all securely packed in a separate package containing these Luftpolstertasche. What now, ask for a solution.?
hello, today is my led lamps, the luftpolstertasche with the contents of opened and found that the several lamps are broken and not in a special packaging packaged goods. what now, ask for a solution.