If you think a high-factor sunscreen(防晒霜)keeps you safe from harmful rays, you may be wrong. Research in this week's Nature shows that while factor 50 reduces the number of melanomas(黑瘤)and delays their occurrence, it can't prevent them. Melanomas are the most aggressive skin cancers. You have a higher risk if you have red or blond hair, fair skin, blue or green eyes, or sunburn easily, or if a close relative has had one. Melanomas are more common if you have periodic intense exposure to the sun. Other skin cancers are increasingly likely with long-term exposure.
There is continuing debate as to how effective sunscreen is in reducing melanomas—the evidence is weaker than it is for preventing other types of skin cancer. A 2011 Australian study of 1,621 people found that people randomly selected to apply sunscreen daily had half the rate of melanomas of people who used cream as needed. A second study, comparing 1,167 people with melanomas to 1,101 who didn't have the cancer, found that using sunscreen routinely, alongside other protection such as hats, long sleeves or staying in the shade, did give some protection. This study said other forms of sun protection—not sunscreen—seemed most beneficial. The study relied on people remembering what they had done over each decade of their lives, so it's not entirely reliable. But it seems reasonable to think sunscreen gives people a false sense of security in the sun.
Many people also don't use sunscreen properly-applying insufficient amounts, failing to reapply after a couple of hours and staying in the sun too long. It is sunburn that is most worrying-recent shows five episodes of sunburn in the teenage years increases the risk of all skin cancers.
The good news is that a combination of sunscreen and covering up can reduce melanoma rates, as shown by Australian figures from their slip-slop-slap campaign. So if there is a heat wave this summer, it would be best for us, too, to slip on a shirt, slop on(抹上)sunscreen and slap on a hat.
如果你认为高系数防晒霜 (防晒霜) 能让你远离有害射线,你可能错了。在本周的性质的研究表明,虽然因素 50 的黑色素瘤 (黑瘤) 可以减少和延缓他们的发生,它不能阻止他们。黑色素瘤是最激进的皮肤癌。如果你有红色或金色的头发,白皙的皮肤,蓝色或绿色的眼睛,或日晒很容易,或者近亲属有一个,你有更高的风险。黑色素瘤是更常见的如果你有定期强烈暴露在阳光下。其他皮肤癌症都与长期接触的可能性越来越大。正在争论如何有效的防晒霜在减少黑素瘤 — — 证据是较弱的而不是防止其他类型的皮肤癌。2011 年的 1,621 人的澳大利亚研究发现人随机抽取,每天涂抹防晒霜的使用作为冰淇淋的人黑色素瘤的半速率需要。另一项研究,比较 1,167 到 1,101 的黑色素瘤的人没得上癌症,发现使用防晒霜定期进行的旁边其他保护如帽子、 长袖或呆在阴凉处,并给一些保护。这项研究说,其他形式的太阳保护 — — 不防晒霜 — — 似乎最有利。这项研究依赖于人们记住他们的所作所为在每个十年的他们的生活,所以它不是完全可靠。但似乎合理地认为防晒霜在阳光下给人虚假的安全感。 Many people also don't use sunscreen properly-applying insufficient amounts, failing to reapply after a couple of hours and staying in the sun too long. It is sunburn that is most worrying-recent shows five episodes of sunburn in the teenage years increases the risk of all skin cancers. The good news is that a combination of sunscreen and covering up can reduce melanoma rates, as shown by Australian figures from their slip-slop-slap campaign. So if there is a heat wave this summer, it would be best for us, too, to slip on a shirt, slop on(抹上)sunscreen and slap on a hat.