• All-electric range (AER): the total distance travelled by an OVC-HEV from the beginning ofthe charge-depleting test to the point in time during the test when the combustion enginestarts to consume fuel.• Charge-depleting actual range (RCDA): the distance travelled in a series of WLTCs incharge-depleting operating condition until the rechargeable electric energy storage system(REESS) is depleted• Charge-depleting cycle range (RCDC): the distance from the beginning of the chargedepleting test to the end of the last cycle prior to the cycle satisfying the break-off criterion,including the transition cycle where the vehicle may have operated in both depleting andsustaining conditions.• Equivalent all-electric range (EAER): the portion of the total charge-depleting actual range(RCDA) attributable to the use of electricity from the REESS over the charge-depleting rangetest.• Pure Electric range (PER): the total distance travelled by a PEV from the beginning of thecharge-depleting test until the break-off criterion is reached.