Objective: through the analysis of case-control study of gastric cancer patients with healthy people of difference of plasma levels of some chemical and its relationship with gastric cancer. Methods: case-control study group collected in Xianyou County local living more than 10 years, and pathologically confirmed cases of new-onset gastric 299 patients, healthy control of 295 cases of gastric cancer mortality rates close to their place of residence. Through questionnaires and blood samples and other ways to get case and control groups in General, lifestyle habits and other information, using microwave digestion method for treating blood, plasma chemical elements by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Using non-parametric tests comparing plasma content of chemical elements in different groups. Results: plasma chemical elements in cases group and control group in the exists differences, cases group in the Cu, and Mg, and Cu/Zn above control group (P<0.01), cases group in the Mo, and Ca below control group (P<0.01); through more factors analysis found plasma Cu (OR=2.64), and Mg (OR=2.20), and Cu/Zn (OR=3.89) increased gastric cancer onset of risk, Mo (OR=0.52), and Ca (OR=0.16) Reduce the risk of stomach cancer. Conclusion: plasma levels of some chemical elements in gastric cancer patients than in normal population has changed significantly.