pai nu imi scaneaza virusii ca am niste reclame pe telefon cu dungi portocalii ca am instalat ceva hackuri pentru joc si am dezinstalat hackul si tot imi apar reclamele,cred ca trebuie sa fac erase
pai nu imi scaneaza virusii ca am niste reclame pe telefon cu dungi portocalii ca am instalat ceva hackuri pentru joc si am dezinstalat hackul si tot imi apar reclamele,cred ca trebuie sa fac erase"
I do not scan well as viruses have some ads on the phone with orange stripes I installed some hacks for the game and hack and I uninstalled all my ads appear, I had to do erase
well i don"t scan viruses i commercials on phone with orange stripes i installed a game and i dezinstalat for hacking into hackul commercials and i still appear, i think we need to do erase"