Dear users,
Today i read so many things on mails, messages and social medias... Don't know what level of misunderstanding people can create by them self and drag other into it with them.
Payments request are in pending since few hours, is it dramatic? after 10 months fast payments?? and some speak like it will be the case for years even more...
so quick summary of situation :
. Many many people abused system with multiple accounts and they have to be punished.
. In order for the company to avoid withdrawal to those poeple , i've decided to put a pending until I analyse best way to solve this WITH the objectif to protect the honest users, to punish the right ones, to think about those being as a "fraud" but good reasons like in Africa and most important to secure a bright future for the company : because the company is what link us all
This solution should come fast (probably tomorow couple of days maximum) ...revisions will be made very soon after that and all will be like before.
I want to be careful with how we deal with this because as you all know the Beontel is almost out! and this project will be the project of the decade certainly over 100 times bigger than Beonpush... but both are link. So its not the moment to loose concentration.
And thanx to this situation I have now a good idea of who deserve really my trust and rewards of coming project!
just all relax. let me deal with this as the CEO of Beonpush and then we go on as we always did
have a good day to you all
Dear users, Today i read so many things on mails, messages and social medias... Don't know what level of misunderstanding people can create by them self and drag other into it with them.Payments request are in pending since few hours, is it dramatic? after 10 months fast payments?? and some speak like it will be the case for years even more... so quick summary of situation : . Many many people abused system with multiple accounts and they have to be punished. . In order for the company to avoid withdrawal to those poeple , i've decided to put a pending until I analyse best way to solve this WITH the objectif to protect the honest users, to punish the right ones, to think about those being as a "fraud" but good reasons like in Africa and most important to secure a bright future for the company : because the company is what link us all This solution should come fast (probably tomorow couple of days maximum) ...revisions will be made very soon after that and all will be like before. I want to be careful with how we deal with this because as you all know the Beontel is almost out! and this project will be the project of the decade certainly over 100 times bigger than Beonpush... but both are link. So its not the moment to loose concentration. And thanx to this situation I have now a good idea of who deserve really my trust and rewards of coming project! just all relax. let me deal with this as the CEO of Beonpush and then we go on as we always did 有一个好的一天给你所有