Stop the action after the designated 10 minutes and go straight into the next task without providing an opportunity for discussion. Ask everyone to move to the discussion area and begin the second briefing immediately by saying:
"There has been a reorganisation. You are now one team, all working for the same organisation that has, as a single team, to tackle the task detailed on a new briefing sheet. To perform the task you will need some materials: these materials are those that were available to all three teams in the task that you have just completed.”
Give a copy of the buff Participants1 Briefing sheet to the group and start the clock. (The second task lasts for 20 minutes.)
The second task should be run and observed in the same way as task 1; however, although the added constraints in part 2 are simple, they have been written in a way that is difficult to grasp. Even if a group struggles to interpret these constraints, do not be tempted to help - any ensuing frustration is all part of the activity.