As mass elements, choose thin rings of width dr and radius r (as in Example 12-8) so that dm=ρ2πrw dr=(2πρ0w/R)*r^2*dr.(a)The disk’s totalmass is M=∫(R-0)dm= (2πρ0w/R)*R^3/3 = (2/3)ρ0πR^2w.(b) The disk’s rotational inertia about a perpendicularaxis through its center is I=∫(R-0)r^2dm= (2πρ0w/R)*R^5/5 = (2/5)ρ0πR^4w= (3/5)MR^2.I is intermediary between a disk of uniform density and a ring, i.e.,1/2MR^2 < I < MR^2,if expressed in terms of the totalmassM, but is less than a disk of uniform density ρ0,i.e.,I < 1/2ρ0πR^4w,since ρ0 is the maximum density